Are we really just consoomers or tech enthusiasts?

Are we really just consoomers or tech enthusiasts?

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80 staff what?

>tech enthusiasts

My favorite part of this video is when one of his employees shows Linus the meticulous 3D render he made of Linus's home theater room. Imagine your boss assigning you a task to upgrade his mansion, with it being tangentially work related because the installation will be filmed.

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You're brain dead consumers.
If you where actually PC enthusiasts you'd be peering into how modern PCs fuction if not attemping to design your own shit. You'd also appreciate PC tech as a whole and not just what's marketed specifically towards you.
You'd also be questioning PC adjacent companies and not taking someone else's half-hearted reasons why they should be excused for the actions they take.

this is so fucked up it's unreal

imagine going through uni, wasting tens of thousands of dollars in the process and then you just get to wage cuck to design your boss' theater room with the skills you learnt lmao

how can he afford paying like 600k per month? He doesn't have that many videos and mentioning a sponsor only gets you like 10k per vid

Mouthbreathing gaymer retards who watch youtube eCelebs are definitely consoomers. Applefags are too. The rest of us are not.

Never liked this faggot

Compare his videos from 2011 with his tryhard shit from today

Ofc a dude like this has to go for SEAmonkeys too

this is any job. this poor sap simply has the curtains pulled.

>80 niggas to operate a youtube channel

all you need is a someone to point the camera

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>haha yeah! why DO anons advertise my shit for free!? more like unlimited staff amirite?

70 of them are writers and do all the background work.
Having 1 or 2? Videos a day is hard work.
They have like 6 channels too.

More than just that, he has a merch store, floatplane, a lab. Takes a lot of people just to produce the videos.

>80 staff
>no warranty

I did like the video on how much work goes behind getting a product from design to production. Still not paying $70 for a screwdriver though.


>goes into random tangents about racemixing because he can only get jbw chinky pussy
literal jew btw

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Dude has said multiple times that he makes millions in merch sales alone. He tapped into the huge market of people who want high quality stuff that they only have to buy once and slapped his logo on it.

Also his screwdriver got pretty damn good reviews even though he licensed part of the design.

If you don't like it why don't you capture your own lightning in a bottle and start your own career path that allows you to hire some shmuck to design a mansion whose construction will get milked for content and viewed by millions.

>doesn't have that many videos
it's like 15 a week dude
if you didn't watch the video don't post in a thread about it