Do you want the most brutal black pill of all time?

Do you want the most brutal black pill of all time?

Every fucking foid rostie and toilet is a whore. But

Not for you mr incel. Not for you mr normie. They're a whore for Chad and Chad only. That includes your mom sister onitis etc

A successful mother with children will leave her husband the moment a man with better jawbones and therefore genes shows up

Genes genes GENES! That's all a foid thinks or cares about. Everything they do is designed to get Chad to notice and breed with them

The cute church girl you tug your cock at the mear thought of? She has chads cum all over her innocent face while you lay in bed and daydream of marriage

It's over for everyone but chad

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i bet you're popular at parties

That's a lot of text I didn't read

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You ever gone mountain biking?

I'd let you cum all over my face user but the thing is, none of you want to fuck ugly girls too soooo

you question why you can't find a mate but this post tells me everything i need to know about you.

Okay but for anyone wanting, the name is @bo_barah on Instagram

Become a hermit in the woods.

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Youre all a bunch of useless hormones. A wizard learns that wenches are NEVER worth it and moves on with his life. Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks. Also Is a viable option, and probably the best one.

Incel cringe thread

very incely language which is going to get anons to shit on you and dismiss you but you're pretty much correct. read david buss research/books. he's studied human sexuality for 40+ years now and his research points to what op is saying(just in a much nicer way)

I'll cum on you as long as you'll be my gf too

An ugly girl can be a lot of fun. Much more willing and adventurous.

> And it takes longer to cum because you're not distracted by attractiveness

See that’s why still visit Any Forums you guys seem like the only ones who’d actually fuck me T^T

what parties? mouthbreathers like OP don't get invited to any

There's a new trend sweeping the west, and it's not the Red Pill. It's far more dangerous than the Red Pill or MGTOW combined. It's the MGOS (Men Going Over Seas) pill. And nothing will stop it, especially grannies desperately trying to shame men from selecting higher value eastern girls. Grab your passports bros. Let western roasties die with their cats. There are not many Western men. There are literally billions of Eastern girls. No, you DON'T have to go monk mode and become a hermit in the woods. You just have to get your passport.

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too easy gam gam

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shoo shoo troon
leave and stay away
we are to goon
you'll never be a real woman anyway

Post pics I bet you aren't as bad as you think

Have you tried not being ugly, short, stupid, weak, small dicked, and annoying? Have you even tried??!

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Took this pill years ago.
Last time I was in South Korea I averaged sex 3 times a day with girls I'd talked to online beforehand.

On the plane home every muscle in my body ached.

You didn’t even line up the sandwich with the pole. Are you stupid?

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