Tell me about saddam b...

Tell me about saddam b. I know a lot of people with their 20/20 hindsight wish he was back because he stabilized the region but would that really be better?
All I know about him was him taking power in a coup, idolizing stalin, and brutally oppressing numerous minor ethnicites in iraq to the point of being alleged to have used chemical weapons against an uppity population. Would having a dictator whose trying to emulate stalin be better than what we got?

Attached: saddam.png (424x618, 618.5K)

Wtf? What are you his son or something?

Attached: a30.png (600x412, 165.9K)

no im completely trashed and remembered him and obama have the name hussain

Last time we saw him that rope around his head was at a slightly different angle than in this picture.

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its a question because its asking which evil was better. Either a horrific dictator or an Islamic death cult taking control of swaths of the region
bin laden actually was a gamer

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In this case the world was a better place with him. Bush Jr only attacked the wrong country to hunt him down because people called his dad a wimp for leaving Saddam in power ,despite it being a wise move on the part of Bush Sr.

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dude was hyper alpha, hyper psychopath. He would kill his enemies, or people who he thought might be a threat. He was fearless when he was executed, you can watch the video. He yelled at his executioners and showed no signs of fear. It's likely he was born a psychopath, incapable of fear or empathy as we regular people know it. A truly dangerous and evil person who cause massive human damage. But the scary thing is he was likely just born that way. And that there will always be people who are born that way and there is nothing to be done about it.

What was the death toll of everyone killed under him versus all the people killed in the post Saddam iraqi conflicts.
It makes me wonder, had stalin and the communist party been overthrown in russia before ww2 by an internal uprising would he have gotten the saddam treatment? People instantly threw him under the bus once he was out of power and could speak freely, stalin subjected the russian people to absolute hell before his death and the communist party stayed in power preventing the immediate vilification of the actions of the entire soviet union

This is a photo of Donald Rumsfeld, the U.S. Secretary of Defense in the Bush era (including our invasion of Iraq) yukking it up with Saddam Hussein. See, Hussein was a monster. But when he was OUR monster, everything was ok. Unfortunately for ol' Saddam, when the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) decided that the U.S. had to secure Iraq's oil for itself, Saddam's days became numbered.

The sick, sad irony? In the end, we didn't even gain control of Iraq's oil, partially because ISIS occupied most of the country's oilfields for several years.

Attached: kjh.jpg (452x339, 24.78K)

the mistake wasn't getting rid of him it was maintaining a military presence while attempting to "democratize" the country

elaborate, if you were to have been incharge of handling what happens to the country right after saddam is deposed what would you have done?

Tough call.
There's a school of thought that he would have held things together with a lower body count and much less drama. Quiet ain't pretty though, and there's no guarantee he would have not done something even more stupid and fucked things up worse than they are now.
If the current Shia majority can hold things together and fend off Iranian control they have a shot at building a modern, functional nation-state.
But, whatever happens needs another sixty years or so to play out before we can see where things will end up.
Place your bets?

He was a great leader.
America regrets killing him as iraq is a bigger shit hole and he kept the taliban in check and now things are more dangerous than ever


Different user responding.
Nothing. If I had a real choice I would never have toppled him only because it wasn't worth the cost.
One ray of hope will be if the people of Iraq pay attention to what is happens in both Afghanistan and Ukraine. While Ukraine is far from perfect, the post war contrast between the two may make an impression. Maybe they'll want to join the twenty-first century instead of rehashing some caliphated pipe dreams.

Bush is a war criminal for his illegal occupation and deposing Saddam. Saddam was playing by the rules the UN placed in him, and while he was still a psychopath and despite, there was no legal reason for us to invade Iraq. Thousands dead for nothing, another example of Republicans acting above the law.

you are a faggot and a pussy. just sayin'

>nothing mind

"is-ass" not "U S"


no value in a post like this, if you have an argument then argue, otherwise you are a child

Removing dictators from the Middle East had trouble written all over it. I can’t believe the US displayed a complete lack of foresight !