Go out of my room to tell my dad a new figure I bought is coming and I'm thinking about cleaning my room to make space

>go out of my room to tell my dad a new figure I bought is coming and I'm thinking about cleaning my room to make space
>see he moved some stuff off the empty living room table that I had put there because I didn't have space for it elsewhere
>after I already told him not to move it
>get irritated with him and start taking it out of the box he stuffed it in
>he threatens me with physical violence
>tell him he's mentally ill
>he yells at me that I need to take instruction
>take the shit out of the box and put it back and go back to my room

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*farts in your threads and leaves*

Seek help and therapy please stop posting this shit daily and doing nothing to fix it. Your life will not get better till you take steps to make it better.

just transition already

Ok who farted?

I literally just described to you a situation where I was going to try and make things better and my dad just got abusive
he got really mad when I told him the reason I don't have space in my room is because he forcibly packed up all my shit for college when I never wanted to go in the first place and then when I dropped out he just dumped it all in my room and it's been there ever since

kill yourself

kill yourself you self destructive leech, you've been making these threads on Any Forums of all fucking places for 5+ years and haven't changed at all

rot away

he should focibly pack all your shit and dump it outside your house alongside with you you damn leech

I can't live on my own
I also have too much stuff to just leave behind

>>go out of my room to tell my dad a new figure I bought is coming and I'm thinking about cleaning my room to make space
>>see he moved some stuff off the empty living room table that I had put there because I didn't have space for it elsewhere
translation - your room is full of garbage and is literally overflowing into the living room

>>he yells at me that I need to take instruction
you sound retarded.

>after I already told him not to move it
>get irritated with him and start taking it out of the box he stuffed it in
it's his house, nigger. why are you bossing your dad around?
tldr kys

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more excuses, die scum

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Go to therapy it’s that simple

It's going to be fun when your father dies and no one is left to support the household.
Now you will smugly claim that "I will be dead by then" but we know that won't be the case.

Surprised the mod didn't delete it.

Get fucked lmao

Kill yourself you mentally ill freak
If you see this image and feel nothing you then you have lesser brain function than an ape. I think there would probably be more, but I don't know how far back b4k goes. Nearly 1000 posts, god you're an embarrassment

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can you Any Forumstards put nigger OP in his place please?

>I literally just described to you a situation where I was going to try and make things better and my dad just got abusive
lol, faggot, you don't know what abuse is

You're literally a piece of useless shit. Get your own place then you can bury yourself alive with your bullshit. Your dad doesn't pay the bills regularly because you're in his house depending on him and relying on his money, you're nigger-tier scum.

Don't waste your time, user; he has been posting the same shit for the past five years.
He doesn't give a single fuck but he loves the attention.