Tfw using Any Forums on desktop after a few days of using the captcha solver for Android

>tfw using Any Forums on desktop after a few days of using the captcha solver for Android

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Get a Pro account already.


Joshi Koukousei Captcha Service

Attached: Giulia Apu.jpg (819x1024, 101.53K)




If you use this language you’re a bonafide schizo by today’s standard

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captcha solver exist on desktop nigga


Automatic111's repo got 404'd by the janny. is there a continued dev somewhere?

its on my machine tho and works
not my fault it was raped out of GitHub

jannies paid a hitman to take it out. also it works but only like 80% of the time. Posted from captcha solver

The bottom 1cm of my phone screen doesn't work and that's where the button is to change the keyboard from letters to numbers. I can access it by turning my phone on the side though so the screen rotates. Sometimes I have to rotate my screen like five times to enter the captcha. It makes me very cross

why don't you buy a new phone

This captcha solver is extremely unreliable, honestly sometimes it's fast to just solve it myself rather than trust the solver and then have to reload because it failed.

just do a quick glance and if it looks ok go for it


Not enough money

you can move your keyboard higher you retard, what are you doing on this board with such poor tech issue-solving skills
