Average Windows 11 user

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>install windows 7
>just werks
dunno why peopel don't do this

>windows loads in mere seconds
it still takes 7 seconds between when i press power button and grub screen. but then once i select os to boot, it also does mere seconds to boot. especially linux, that boots in 2 seconds (probably would be 1 second if not for systemd). windows boots in 3 seconds
will this "nvme" drive speed up post times too?

Windows 11 is already installed on my machine and just werks too.

1. Your computer shouldn't be turned off
2. It takes my ass 30 seconds to get comfortable
C. Infintisemal numbers in the grand scheme of things
Potato. I forget the rest butt your mother is a whore.

windows user > ... > literal retard > ... > preinstalled windows user

whatta dumbfuck

literal retard( windows user, preinstalled windows user, macintosh OS luser, hitler)

I assure you, the average Windows 11 user is not nearly this capable at doing anything with a computer.

cope and seethe

>that op
shiggy diggy
at least use proper solutions (windows embedded 7 / windows embedded 8) where you can actually select components you need.

this is what people here recommend

>oh just run this dodgy russian windows "cleaner" and trust that it's shutting off all the bits and bots

it's fucking stockholm syndrome

>install arch linux with kde
>just werks
>install windows 10 ltsc
>just werks
>install windows 11
>reinstall twice a week
wintoddlers what the fuck is wrong with you

>just werks too
but badly

but i sold off my 4790k rig years ago
oldest thing i got is a 2700x

I've got 7 on a 5600x

>uses some schizos ISO
>has to reinstall 2-3 times a week
I know a guy that reinstalls daily...
Is Windows really that fucking bad now or is it all those "tweaks" they make with custom ISO's or memescripts?

nice blog post

I have newer hardware. I know it's on me, but I'm not the kind of person who spends money on something to be gimped by something for the sake of stability.

My experience on W11 has been the following:

-The theme I like better than W10, but I like anything, and I mean anything better than W10. I despise the default visual style on W10 whether it's dark or light (and I dislike dark themes generally) so I welcome this.
-The taskbar is not amazing but it's nothing to piss my pants over like some people here. It fucks with some people's workflow because they can't see labels I guess.
-The context menu is garbage and I don't know why they don't just keep using what fully works, which is the legacy one. Thankfully it's easy to tweak so that you don't see the newer one again.
-Speaking of tweaks those work after a feature update like 22h2. Speaking of 22h2 I like that there were actual improvements instead of headaches. They added things people complained about being gone within less than a year.
-It's been also more stable overall in less than a year than fucking W10 in 3 or even 4 years. It took me a long, long time to use Windows 10 as a daily driver instead of an older version, and I honestly did forcefully due to lack of driver support on 8.1 and newer hardware and such.
-Still, it has issues. It's slower to copy files with it between drives and I'm not sure why. Testing on both W10 and 11, 10 is the winner by a margin. It's like it hates HDDs, although 10 already didn't do well with those.
-It also lacks other features that are related to the taskbar sort of, like hiding certain system tray icons or sections (you can't hide the language bar) or toggling between tablet and desktop mode (I would only want this because it switches to tablet mode on a fucking desktop randomly and it's annoying as shit).
-I only tolerated it, and I think only didn't see performance issues, because I do not have fTPM enabled. I bypassed those requirements.

I went back to 10, reluctantly, because it's still marginally more stable. I honestly would love to go back to 7 or 8.1, but I have a new build and a new monitor with new gimmicks.

UI'm still using windows 10 for a while.
i'm not sure about windows 11 because they dropped Floppy and cf card supposrt and that is the most important to me.

idk guys its not really helpful anons.
I want to upgrade, though.

Lots of people have computers to actually do stuff, not sit there going googoo gaga at glassy windows.

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