Why does trump hate America?

Why does the confirmed traitor and pedophile trump hate America so much that he happily gave away our nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia?
why are his retarded maga supporters so blind that they are okay with this???

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Is he legitimately retarded?

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or just a massive dick?

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i haaate trump right along with you. He successfully destroyed all american honor.

But dude, you're trying too hard.

Honestly I'm not sure who is more ignorant. The left in general or Trump worshipers. Although it's just left hand and right hand kike shit regardless. It would be nice if some force legislation got through to rape the 2 party system into having to be smaller parties with much more varied policies.

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So smart!
So virile!
So powerful!
So....sad... like looking at grandpa trying to get out of a bean bag chair.

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Left-fascists really stepping up their usual nazi-style propagandizing now that they know they're done. You love to see it.

Holy fuck he looks worse than my 96 year old gramps

no u

He stole from children.
Literally children with cancer.

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that's what a life of hamberders does to the system, I believe he is 35 in that picture.

he doesn't you're trolling

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>Leftist shills keep posting Trump every fucking day
This is fucking tiring. I don't even care about American politics but goddamn this is getting soooo fucking boring. Truly RENT FREE.

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That's easy. He's in nine figure debt over loans he accepted from foreign oligarchs to finance his properties and now he's in the deepest debt anyone has ever held so he's desperate and knows he's completely fucked. He's looking for ANYTHING he can use to help him pay that down and US classified information is worth a lot of money to certain adversaries like Russia/Syria, China and Saudi Arabia, four countries we know for a fact the Trump crime family has ties too.

You wouldn't know Nazi-like propaganda if it goose-stepped in front of you retarded faggot.

>why are his retarded maga supporters so blind that they are okay with this???
I can't speak for anyone else but personally I haven't seen any convincing evidence that Trump was selling anything to Saudi Arabia.

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1. There are no leftist shills.
2. Trump does everything he can to remain relevant and in the forefront of news. he and his subhuman cult KEEP them in the news cycles, so you can't try to claim that anyone is "bringing him up needlessly every day".
3. Kill yourself you obvious interference-running MAGAt.

>this user gets it
if maga shills don’t want me posting shit about their retarded god emperor then get him to stop doing retarded things

>one party tried to overturn an election; the other party didn't.
>One party says to hecklers "you have a right to be outrageous"; the other party says to hecklers "you should be beaten up"
>One party refuses to answer subpoenas; the other party testified for 11 hours live on TV.

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>I don't even care about American politics
I think you do. Guess who's voting Biden again.

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Using Clinton is akin to using OJ the posterchild for peaceful niggers. You easily could have pulled quite a few dems for your image but you chose one that is self evidently an evil murdering crook. Also your words are extremely specific and decisive. It just shows that you are puppetted by the US kike politics in the same way Trump followers are.

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>self evidently an evil murdering crook
God, do you retards EVER stop being this goddamned gullible and stupid?! EVER?!

>still triggered by Hillary

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