Trying to become more bigoted. this time towards trans people

trying to become more bigoted. this time towards trans people.

post anti trans memes so i can reach my fully hateful potential

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did they really say that Xd


I’ve got a shitton of these at home. If this thread can stay up for a few hours I’ll post when I get back home.

God, I hate the trans agenda…

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maybe can post full name/link/discord

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I hope they get that demon selling plastic bag hormones to children. That one of the worst things you could do to a child. It should get the death penalty. How can it just get away with doing something like that and why are the stalkers doing something instead of being pussies and playing games

A pedo

I guess they didn't beat him up enough.

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This is now an anti-cop thread

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That initial post is so cringe that "woke folk" are puking.

Holy shit that's hilarious

Sorry guys we're all lesbians here ^-~

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So much herp derp

>I love how “Alex” has a full fucking beard not even trying to look like woman, just looks like a dwarf

doxbin /upload/ Keffals

Doxx of the tranny kike in the image, for anyone curious