Most painfully overrated and mediocre youtuber ever

most painfully overrated and mediocre youtuber ever

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so why bother having him in your mind enough to make a thread?

i dont even know his name i just saw him very first time on thedonalds plebbit alt and i enjoyed his breakdown of the youtubers assaulting eachother BUT fpbp

I like him for that.

touché, guess im just salty about someone being infinitely more successful than i ever will be by just being the driest human possible

And disgusting to look at.

When will this faggot die of cancer?

Attached: niggerballs.jpg (373x556, 54.71K)

at least you're honest.

He echoes the most popular opinion available on any given situation into a 20 dollars webcam made by some starving shitskin for 10 minutes every week or so and makes millions.

Attached: Burning-Hell.jpg (1327x1156, 346.09K)

Why do you listen to it then complain ?, Are you retarded ?

then go make videos better than his. you youtube dramafags are fucking cancer. there's infinite better videos to occupy your time than obsessing over these faggots.

I don't listen to anyone that has long hair

he's a faggot that talks on the camera and the entirety of youtube thinks he's a moral beacon

captcha psawwr

youre the kind of faggot that gets fed literal human shit on a platter at family gatherings by your retarded aunt who thinks shes a chef and whenever somebody complains about having to eat shit you go "ohh hurrhh duhhrrr how about you go cook the food yourself then duuhhrrrr dont judge until then guhhhhhh"

he has this holier than thou personality and fanbase and i cant fucking stand it
"(thing or person that is widely accepted as bad) is bad... yeah... dont like that... pretty dumb... penis cock dick cock penis vagina cum... sex joke... penis... anyways guys thats it... cya..."

Looks like the dollar store knockoff of Styxhexenhammer

What do you have against Styxhexenhammer666?

>guess im just salty about someone being infinitely more successful than i ever will be by just being the driest human possible
Same, still doesn't change the fact that Critikal is a boring grifter midget with ice cold takes.

Dude is 5'6".
A little bitch in multiple ways.


I'm honestly jealous. I wish I could rack in millions of views and dollars for 10 minute videos about me rediscovering an old meme or talking about a subject that I am not well versed on.