*sigh* all games are trash, every new show/movie is trash...

*sigh* all games are trash, every new show/movie is trash. All I do is study to make more money and I am met with complete boredom at every turn. I used to lift weights and that became boring. Nature became boring. I am nothing but a pawn in this life, even sex or porn doesn't satisfy me. I've lost weight so I guess that's a plus. Down to 155 lbs and 5"8 maybe I will bulk up or something. I'm just so bored.

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People have done all sorts of things out of boredom. Read. Relate. Get something done.

Same boat here. Used to be really into fitness, even became a personal trainer for a while. Also putting myself through school while working and it feels neverending. The boredom feels oppressive and I can't be bothered to do anything I used to enjoy anymore

What do you mean user? What can I do to get out of this slump? I just got a huge increase in pay and have no idea what to do. I just help out the poor kids around my area with small chores and good pay because when I was younger and poor I did that kinda stuff for snack money but now I am lost

it all is so tiresome. If I had all the money in the world I dont know what I would even do because its just all so boring

have you considered suicide?

Specifically, have you considered suicide after a good round of first person shooting?

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Came here to post this

media is becoming soulless, and people are starting to tell. havent played a good game since 2018, havent seen a good move since before then.

sure, media has always been corporate but at least it wasnt so obvious back then.

go get a dog or something.

Or maybe you just got older and lost interest. Maybe things are just as good as they were before, and its just a you problem.

I would have agreed with you if my taste wasn’t so eclectic, but writing, animation and Film have gone past using cliches and just rehash such trivial stories that the trailers most of the time give away more than half of the story before you see it.

I wish it was as easy as saying I’m getting old, but seeking outside media that creates a world with no actual lore or concise storytelling pisses me off. The projects getting green lit are really half assed. Even kids cartoons are lame now and I recently gave up on those.

if nothing you do excites you, you need to find something else to do

Eat 1/8th of mushrooms.

the mushroom always has the answer

I've actually been really tempted to try this. Maybe it'll mess with my brain chemistry enough to make me less bored all the time

if you got bored of sex and everything else as you said and you're already "smart" you should probably just kill yourself unless you want to devote your genius to something positive for society. otherwise fuckoff and nobody gives a fuck about you unless youre a chick in which case post tits pussy and timestamp smut

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Are you the same agent who groomed the i alder shooter?

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Any classic psychedelic will restore the feeling of novelty and proper dopamine flow. If you’re too scared of those you can always take molly and get a more controlled renewal of spirit too.