Germany should ally with Russia and invade pooland because they won't shut the fuck up about muh reparations

Germany should ally with Russia and invade pooland because they won't shut the fuck up about muh reparations

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Go back to Any Forums schizo

Germany should be put down to end its suffering and protect Europe from their shit, The world can survive being without bratwursts and piss porn.
Not dropping a nuke or two over berlin was the single biggest mistake the US have done.

>t. poolack

Cope poolack, Holy Germany has contributed more to civilisation than you poolacks ever did.

Point of order: Berlin was the original target of the Manhatten Project.

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Unironically, who wants to seen the battle of Reichstag again, but only this time, it's the poles who wave the flag.


Beer and sugar user. Post it or I will assume you're a vatnik shill.

Not even polish and i can't even be smug about the German collective suicide because our jews keep selling our energy to the bratwurst munching retards, fucking the market for everyone not hell bent on collapsing its society.
Pain to think what couldve been.

>Germany atacks Poland
>Poland beats and occupies Germany
>Poland turns off the gas pipes
>Russian economic collapses

It would be fucking KINO to watch

>implying that poolacks can defeat the might of Bundeswehr
Poolacks gave most of their shitty equipment to ukraine, and what they are left with is no match for German master crafted equipment

OP is not german and y'all are falling for a russian falseflagger. Stop being retarded.

Shut the fuck up you insuffrable maggot
The polish are our brothers in arms not our enemies now fuck off retard

and its the same south american shitskin/serb every single time

Russia has already turned off the pipes by themselves.

Go back to playing hoi4 emir

True sons of the Reich hate pooland, and if you disagree then you're poolack Gastarbeiter

>Muh reparations
Noone cares if PiS wants to embarrass themselves once again. The german government doesn't even commect on that any more.

> True sons of the Reich
I bet you‘re a mutt who does not even speak a nick of german


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See the comments. The Reich is waking up and soon poolacks will feel the wrath of the German masters

One day, it'll be their turn.

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Poland is an astronomical liability to anyone dumb enough to be in a mutual “defense” pact with them, to put it kindly

Stay mad poolack

Poles can be fucking annoying with their seethe and victim complex but i still love them, get the fuck out vatnig

Nah, they just flexing, so german cuck Scholtz will do some undermining shit for them so they will turn the pipes on again. Germans love russian gases more then anything else in their life it looks.

Poland gave away aging soviet era euqipment to accelerate its modernization into western tanks and the first crew education of K2 is scheduled to happen in october. Almost intantaneous with the delivery of the vehicle.

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Ironic shitposting or not this is just embarrasing

pooland is a giant liability in general. It would be better if all poolacks were exterminated and their land annexed by Germany

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pooland army is only big on paper. Do you really think that gooks and Americans will sent you anything combat ready?

>hungery -5k
>Austria +1k

You're not a true German

Hungary being a parasite enemy asset within the EU and NATO is news to you?

Stop leeching from Germany you poolack biggers

poolacks leach more and they are willing to start ww3

Oh, its him again. You can tell its the same fucker because he unironically uses the term Holy Germany.
What if he was just having a bad day or if the Ukies broke something important again.

Good for them wanting to beat the Russian bear to death, they're a nuisance, maybe if they can shatter Ivan's pride they'll stop being so annoying.

Considering that it would reflect poorly upon the the US arms industry and the Korean arms industry to sell their costumer lemons, yes.

>Germany contributes the most to its own federal government idea
Sad to see my own country in the blue, i hope we leave this shit union and let it die.

Cool weapons related thread, you retards

you can sell poolacks a plywood mockup of a real thing and they will still pay extra. Do you really think that poolacks will get operational abrams and k2s? Think again

It would reflect very, VERY poorly on a nation's arm industry, if you sell a costumer lemons, or a plywood mockup
If Poland paid for Abrams and K2s, they will get Abrams and K2s. I think you're letting your bizarre hatred of Poland cloud your judgement and forget how the arms trades work. If you sell someone garbage when they asked for not garbage, that's going to hurt your image as a provider of weapons, which means less business, which means less money.


If they're gonna revert to their dirty old tricks, Germany should be made to reap the whirlwind once more since evidently two ass-whoopings weren't enough.

First Berlin, Moscow Next.

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Those rules only applies when you're dealing with humans. You don't give monkey rifle because you know it would be danger to it's surroundings. Selling poolacks not working equipment is the way to save people from their subhuman tard rage

Why are you seething about polacks? Is it because they will make your grandchildren even more in debt because your spineless leaders will accept their demands? Like i said we should just put your guys down.


Ah, a fellow moderate

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Because they're subhuman niggers that started the war, and killed about 1mln German civilians before the war. poolacks are the ones destroying Europe, and they should have accepted migrants back during the migrant crisis

Germany is the only civilised country in Europe and the true heir to the roman empire

>You don't give monkey rifle because you know it would be danger to it's surroundings.
Pffh, its cute that you think we care about that. We WOULD sell monkeys guns if they could offer anything of worth.
We've sold things to petty dictators, death squads, terrorist organizations, and many more.

> poolacks are the ones destroying Europe, and they should have accepted migrants back during the migrant crisis
what level of shizoposting is this?
Take your meds

Will you just fuck off?

And Allahu Akbar to you, too.

I have a better proposal - Germany should ally with Poland and invade Russia while they are slaughtered by Ukraine. The reparations for WW2 may be paid with the resources taken from vatniks.

Oh, wait, that's what's happening right now.

We don't want that kind of logic and common sense here.

>When the half assed false flag attack at the border still works on retards 80 years later

Poles are being annoying right now, but russia is an absolute ass. Every single one of those extra 100 billions for the army, every one of the extra euros we're paying for gas and oil (probably going to be far more in the long run) is their fault. And they also made us look like fools internationally. If germany wasn't terminally cucked and broken, we'd be calling for russian blood like the poles are.

based map. but why have Austrian towns Italian names?

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2050 Any Forumstards will tell you that Moskva sank in a storm

You will pay for polish tanks and you will be happy

Ukrainians should be more grateful for German help. Ukrainians must be ready to kill poolacks or perish alongside them

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This is why Austrians are distancing themselves from Germany, you're deranged cucks. Best thing to ever happen was stopping that unified German state bullshit.

Yeah, bundeswehr will deploy whole 5 working Leo's

What help?

Russia looks like a more interesting target and totally deserves the invasion. Damn, I'd support the invasion to russia just to see the shillstorm here and in Any Forums.

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You're not a real German. We should have allied with russia and split pooland between us, right after having a fun time exterminating each and every poolack

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Jesus Christ, for fuck's sakes, that was over 77 years ago, get the fuck over it, yes it was awful but things have changed, entire geopolitical landscape has radically changed several fucking times now in Europe, and you want to bring that shit up as a sign of weakness rather than either learning to move on, or at least, seeing what the bigger threat is at hand with a clearer head?

WW2 was great. 27 million pigs died. Consider the second attempt.

Germans tried that before, it was called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, it didn't even last three years.

It worked for shutting up poolacks

You know you really SHOULD be a politician, you're just as short sighted and obsessed over short term profits over long term consequences, you'll fit right in..

Enacting the final solution to the poolack problem IS the long-term strategy. No more leeching from EU budget, no more demand, no more car thefts.

In exterminating pooland

You should travel more

So lets pretend this guy is actually German, and with that, let's assume he's actually serious.
Why would you, who is clearly a German nationalist, obsessed with righting slights against his nation who he calls fucking *holy Germany*, want to ally with FUCKING Russia?
You know, the nation who casually raped, pillaged, stole half your industry, installed a surveillance state, willing to shoot people for not wanting to live in awful conditions and try to escape to the West, and was perfectly willing to use you as cannon fodder in a hypothetical WW3 during the Cold War? They should be your nemesis primaris.

And how did that turn out for you last time, fritz?
Your lucky some of the people you pissed of with your tard fit had some human decency, unlike you.

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Eastern germany suffered some kind of stockholm syndrome during the cold war, there's a lot of russiaboos there.

Poor fucking bastards, imagine having stockholm syndrome over communism. Makes me shudder just thinking about it.

Did your parents invade to Germany from R*ssia in the 90s?

You are parasite from R*ssia?

Your superior equipment means fuckall when you give it to blackpilled demoralized cucks lol

... I am this guy
Not this one.
