Your top 10 presidents. Go

Your top 10 presidents. Go.

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George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
John F. Kennedy
Theodore Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson
Barack Obama
Ronald Reagan
Dwight Eisenhower
Harry Truman

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Ok Top five presidents. Go.


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Did he get 81 million votes

I don’t know , but he has Mach 8 mussels

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Are hypersonic missiles a thing? I know rail guns exist.

I like except Reagan. He really hurt the middle class.

Yes. Ironically, Railguns are not used. They are great weapons except for the fact that they wear out abarrel in a few shots.

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Adolf bullied him to death with shitty German jokes.

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Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
James K Polk
Teddy Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
Barack Obama

Interesting facts

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Biden has been kicking serious ass. He's got accomplishments along the same lines as Eisenhower and LBJ, and he's finally drawing a line in the sand with the Trumptard proto fascists. Is he the greatest president ever? Maybe not, but when it comes to domestic achievements, no one has had nearly as good a 1st term as he's had in just a year and a half.

That’s Reichs Führer Biden not a president

>Did he get 81 million votes
Did Biden?

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Fuck. You're right.

You *have* to be trolling. Nobody with a grain of braincell believes that.

Yes. This guy gets it


If he can break the fever of the maga republicans, and this country can return to normal again, he will be one of the greatest.

Liberals are brain less. They believe this. They believe anything corporate media tells them.

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To be fair, calling your political rivals enemies of the state as president doesn’t make you a fuck fascist


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It certainly doesn't gain you any votes from 'the other side'.

difficult to think of more than 3 good ones

But mean tweets? 100% fascist

Give me an opinion i cant find on CNN

He doesnt care. He only has to maintain the illusion elections are genuine, the votes dont matter they’ll pay thousands of Russians to vote for him

Tough call… I know

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bigger morons holding bigger glow globe.

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