How am i supposed to be a man when my body looks like this?

how am i supposed to be a man when my body looks like this?

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Workout and build some natural testosterone or just be a femboy, idk it's your life.

Bulk the fuck up. Shut up, get to work on yourself. By feeling sorry for yourself you get nothing done

I’ve tried working out but i cant build muscle

Just get fat. I had a similar body type at 170lbs. I still had man boobs and hips. I decided, fuck it. Id rather be a happy fat guy with tits than a skinny fat guy with tits. Needless to say I am 275lbs now.

Don't go chopping off your dick dude, just start eating more Taco Bell.

nah no tbanks im already fat as fuck

That is what everyone in your situation tells themselves. Do it. Also, remember to eat well! Protein and a good amount of calories is a plus

Sophie if that’s really you I just want you to know I would totally pay for your onlyfans if you made one

Nice clit

dude curling 20 pounds is a struggle
never happening

Built for BBC

post balls

>she's having another extended manic episode
rip you're gonna be cringing yourself to death in a week

theyre insanely tiny

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How about doing some fucking hard work for once in your fucking life and not just sitting round eating and moaning you dumb fuck?

Losing weight and working out isn't even fucking difficult. Only retards and femboys have an excuse.

Then you didn't workout hard enough, your body literally has to have the biological capability to build muscle because that's how all animals grow.

Hit higher max weights, get a workout partner. Take some pre-workout if you don't have a heart condition. The idea isn't to workout to sweat, it's to lift to basically failure. If you're able to move around normally the next 2 days after then you didn't max your load.

I'm not saying to be reckless, it's a long term commitment and you have to be careful not to overwork yourself too fast or you're gonna end up injured. Also consider doing a combat sport like boxing or something to build confidence and it's just a good skill to have.

I literally tried weight lifting for 2 years
i cant build a lot of muscle

>never happening

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If you wont put in the effort and just lay around all day, might as well consider the following

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You just said lifting 20lb was difficult bro. Is that your max AFTER 2 years? I'm not trying to roast you or anything but that's hard to believe.

If you're hitting the same lift wall time after time then that means you're not giving your body the right amount of nutrients to build with.

What type of diet regime did you have and what type of workout regime did you have?


wow I dleam to slice u tiny PEENZIS ohff and chew ohn it like a piece ohf teehee tayfee

Sure thing buddy. You went to he gym, fucked around with some light weights, then fucked off again. Completely failing to understand the very basics of gaining muscle, that is that putting on muscle is about EATING, not just lifting. If you eat lots and work out you get muscle, if you eat lots and don't work out you get fat. Either way the food makes the mass, the work out just guides it. If you just work out but carry on eating only a couple of thousand calories a day and sleeping like shit then obviously you won't put on any mass you dumb fuck.

I swear to god, there so many simple online resources that talk about how you've gotta eat right, AND lift right, AND sleep right, and yet the world is fully of noodle armed retards you think that 3 weeks of light weights means they deserve to be Adonis, or who think that 'I just can't put on muscle' like they're some biological anomaly. Bullshit. You just didn't do it right because you sucked. Be better next time.

Fucking retard. You aren't special. You just didn't do it right.

Because you're a biological human fucking being, it's literally impossible NOT to be able to grow muscle. Your body runs on carbohydrates, produces enzymes, has amino acids designed to build muscle cells in your body. If that wasn't the case then you would have been dead as a child because your muscle cells eventually die and regrow.

This is basic biology; there is a difference between a body that struggles to build mass and a body the can't grow muscles. One is just being an ectomorph and the other is a debilitating disease that eventually leads to death and you would know if you had muscular dystrophy.

>work out
>me a man
>settle, stop working out
>get cucked
how to break the cycle bros

oh my god you fucking braindamaged Any Forumsfag
I CANT JUST “”””””””GAIN MUSCLE””””””””

oh my god do you have autism?
i didnt mean it LITERALLY
i meant i cant grow as much muscle as fast as a regular guy

wear clothes maybe