Bugs... Easy on the estrogen

Bugs... Easy on the estrogen...

Attached: bugs.jpg (1200x795, 173.07K)

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Does this also make him transracial?

Why would it? That's still an humanoid rabbit.

gynecomastia is less cute than flat

>crossdresser becomes tranny

So this is what Bugs would be like as a Didney character... whoa...

You can always detect a normie by how they don't know the difference between the two and treat them as interchangeable phenomena.

Left is superior, the only thing estrogen is any good for is keeping young men looking young for longer but the tradeoffs are too steep.

They Cute

Attached: 1650053679149.jpg (2195x2237, 317.42K)

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=Kk5WMebfdKM&t=3s
End of story. Let's enjoy CDs and femboys and not this deluded perversion turned religion.

Don't care, would still fuck

bugs in drag > futa lola > fembugs

It's literally only because there's faggots who cannot take that Bugs Bunny has a dick and you can be attracted to dicks and no one cares

Fucking a crossdressing dude really loses its appeal when the dude is either actually insane and thinks that he is a girl or his fetish has gotten to the point that he has to engage in it 24/7 and make everyone around him part of his fetish play.

you see he was actually transracial

Attached: MV5BNTZjZmNiMmEtN2VmZi00ZThlLTkxNzItNTU0MmRlMjU4NjI2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDgyODgxNjE@._V1_.jpg (800x595, 68.31K)

rapping and all
very cringe and dinosaur faces

Attached: 0bf1dd501130805c57a5c85e897cf873.png (516x729, 527.27K)

could at least have trashed it

go on user....

You forgot the noose stage and the tombstone stage.

>Moved to Any Forums
Didn't expect that.
Post some crossdressing Bugs porn while the thread's still up.