How do I stop caring about rejection? Last weekend I was at a club. No girls showed interest in me...

How do I stop caring about rejection? Last weekend I was at a club. No girls showed interest in me. I approached a twoset, got rejected. Then approached another twoset outside the club afterwards, got a number but they didn't reply. The first twoset I saw showing interest in other guys. I was angry as fuck afterwards and I struggle to motivate myself to go out again today and try again, because I've gone to clubs 5 times now without getting laid.

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>the master has failed more times than the apprentice has even tried

Failure is the best teacher. Through trial and error you learn what works and what doesn’t.

One day you’ll get laid out of pure luck, the stars align just right. Then you try some of the same strategies again, and get laid again, this time with a little less luck. And as time goes by, luck will turn into skill. Failure will still happen, but you won’t care because success will occur just as often. Keep this in mind, don’t get bogged down in failure now. Because one day you’ll look back and wonder why it ever bothered you.

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I also did 61 daygame approaches this summer, mostly in the street. Only got 1 lay from that. My plan was to do 100 approaches this summer but I failed. Got stuck. Switched from daygame to nightgame to get unstuck. One time at a club two girls started twerking beside me. Someone said hot girls like to do that to nerds to watch them blush, but I think they were interested because they looked at me, smiled, wanted me to take a sip of their drink etc. But then guys came in and fucked it up. I think next time a girl approaches me I have to ask for her number immediately, before some guys come and fuck it up. Even though this happened I hate the girls who rejected me and I struggle to motivate myself.

Show us a pic op, I need to see what I'm dealing with and why no less than 6 separate women rejected you on looks alone.


Why not just treat women like people instead? Imagine treating half of humanity like a number, kek my sides user. You don't do well socially do you, son.

Don’t pick girls up at a club. Girls there always have their guards up now especially at a place full of horny guys.

Try meeting women out in the wild in non club settings.


I'm too depressed for that, don't have the motivation. I used to lift and even after a year of lifting women treated me like shit. When I was the most depressed I didn't even approach girls. For like 2 years I didn't approach. Then I slowly started approaching again but I didn't start lifting again, the latter takes more motivation to get back into. I wish I stopped being a degenerate though. I have periods where I lift and eat healthy, and I have periods where I'm a degenerate. I've been in the latter for a long time. It seems impossible for me to combine lifting and approaching, lifting is when I'm in my healthy periods, which are rare, approaching is in the degenerate periods, never do the two things meet.

Hot girls never treat me like people so why should I? Last time I was at a club a group of 2 girls and 2 guys seemed to like me and seemed to want to hang out with me. But the hot girl didn't even look at me. I felt slight aversion to the group. I felt like they were over the top or something. But maybe it was because I was focused on cold approaching. My plan is to alternate between cold approaching some nights, and just have fun and meet people some nights, and then compare results. Maybe I felt uncomfortable with them because I was not in the "just have fun and meet people" mindset that particular night. I had already gone to clubs several times without getting laid, not doing any approaches, that's why I wanted to try being more proactive, but when I'm proactive I get much more angry afterwards.

Learn to read retard, I did a ton of daygame. All fucking summer. Except I got stuck eventually, too fatigued or something. Just got laid with one 3/10 from all that effort.

Dude. I am fat, 55, and am only moderately charming. I literally had to turn down two women today because I ran out of viagra a month ago. No, that isn't a regular occurrence. I'll be regretting it, but that's not the point.

My secret. I don't go to places where no one can hear another talk and I listen. Get to know who you want to fuck.

Trying to meet chicks outside clubs is officially harassment nowadays. You need to stick to designated pick-up joints.

Just stop worrying about, there's millions of women out there and most of them are worthless whores. Don't take it personally, very few of them are worthy of judging you.

Learn to read come-on signals, you autist. You don't just walk up to random chicks and try to jump in their pants.

Listen to this big ass nigga

Don't be mad. Be happy you live in a world where people can make choices. Just be happy for people and grateful.

People can see and smell anger and resentment from a mile away and it has a compounding effect. Having a clear mind space is also a lot better.

Everyone gets rejected once in a while its perfectly ok.

Don't count your losses, count your wins.

He's trying to get laid. He doesn't need cope advice from incels.

He'll get laid more easily if he doesn't sweat rejection, faggot simp.

It's called cold approach idiot. Either way having a girl ignore you and not show interest is a form of rejection too retard. As I said no girls showed interest in me last time I was in a club. But I saw the two girls show interest in other guys. Idiot.

What the fuck is a 'twoset' you retarded fag?

Never change incels, think you're owed pussy for existing and showing up kek. You aren't owed anything, you get what you deserve.

I agree, this shit is funny. Women, much like us, simply enjoy talking to someone who is nice, makes them laugh, and they have something in common with. I mean yes, you have to be somewhat decent looking, but you don't have to be conventionally attractive by any means. Relying on tricks and "game" will just make it worse.

>you get what you deserve.
When has this ever been true?

fuck off fat woman


They treat women like a game, then they get played like a game. Ty for the free drinks though x lmao

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What the fuck is a twoset? You mean a pair of women?


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Sounds like it, anyone who describes women that way is definitely an incel

the girls are rejecting you because you care about rejection. It's literally that simple.

I can be a shy nerd, at times. Will share what worked for me. I noticed that when getting a job, it was far easier with a recruiter representing me than by myself. Since getting a job and dating are very similar, decided I would take a similar approach.

Made a group of outgoing friends, including one hot girl who was obviously not at all interested in me. Started going to house parties with this small group. And just having fun, not acting desperate, not hitting on every pretty girl I saw. Instead of buying drinks, I ordered pizzas for everyone at the party a couple times.

I noticed that women at the party, if they wanted me to talk to them, would give me a certain look. Those were the ones i focused on. Hope that helps you user.

No, no, that would mean they have personalities and anything other than what's between their legs. Let's stick to objectifying them and QQing online that you can't get any, despite trying all the cool trickshots you saw on YouTube. The funny thing is I notice these people every time I go out and they stick out like a sore thumb, genuinely socially inept and borderline psychotic in their quest for what they perceive as their up and coming.
Humans are social animals, and to fail at social interactions is the reason they can't get any pussy. It's why nobody will settle down with them, their genes are deficient. Natural selection is doing just fine, and posts like these let me know it's going well. Seethe more incels, try treating women with respect, shit even try to be genuine friends with women without making a move. It's amazing what friendship can do when you stop brainwashing yourself in your echo chamber of inceldom.

>Made a group of outgoing friends

Also a shy nerd, and this. Some guys can just go up to random girls and hit on them, I can't. BT, DT, shot down in flames every time. Instead I just go about life being my regular happy-go-lucky self, and often enough I will notice a girl taking a strong interest in me. At first I was too shy to do anything about it, but after a few rounds of this I have learned that these are the girls that actually want to spend time with me, most of them, surprisingly (to me), just for sex. Who knew?

What I am saying is this: don't try to be someone you aren't - the best person you can be is yourself.

is this incel speak? What does it mean?

fuck off fat women, your opinion isn't interesting

For me, it was playing MTG. Made friends with the guy who ran the shop hosting FNM, started going over to his place to play or just hang out, went along to a local bar with his friends a couple times.

Friends introduce you to their friends. Make friends with people who aren't just other shy nerds. You'll find they're really good at stuff you are bad at, and vice versa.

That's gotten you far, hasn't it? ;)

Literally stop shitting up this thread and just fuck off, there are threads about dieting etc where you can feel at home instead of shitting up threads where you have nothing of value to add. I was actually approached by a fat ugly woman last time at a club but I didn't even count that. Just as I don't care about what you have to say.

It stands for "before twoset, during twoset".

Did it never occur to you that these people are in relationships? You aren't owed anything incefag

Women in relationships don't go to the club.

>I was actually approached by a fat ugly woman last time at a club but I didn't even count that.
My sides. Any other fictional stories incel?

As I said women not showing interest is rejection too retard.