Did Mike Teavee do anything wrong?

Did Mike Teavee do anything wrong?

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First tell me who that is Mr.And then I'll tell you if he did

Look mom I'm on TV!

Mike Teavee from Willy Wonka.

He brought a toy gun into wonka's factory thinking it was real. And he made an assassination attempt on willy wonka upon meeting him.

I didn't see a single gun or a mass shooting. He didn't exercise his god given right

>He brought a toy gun into wonka's factory thinking it was real.
...why do you think he thinks its real?

Mike Teavee was a fake cowboy

>"Look at me everybody I'm the first person in the world to be sent by television!"
>"Wow, what a wild trip that was."
>"This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me!"
>"Wow, that was something, can I do it again?"
>"Don't worry about a thing mom, I feel fine!"
>"I'm famous, I'm a TV star! Wait till the kids back home hear about this!"

He was a kid playing dress up, it's what they do.

His dad wouldn't let him own a gun until he's 12.

You could hear the seriousness tone in his voice when he said "WHAM! You're DEAD!" to wonka. Wonka had to play it off like a joke until he could find a way to make him less of a threat. A way that looked like not his fault, so he purposely showed him the shrink ray, but pretended he didn't want him using it, hence why he sounded so dazed when he said "don't play with that shit dude" etc.

Fuckin liberal

The kid or the dad?

The dad

When I was 12 I already shot my first chicken coop up with a 12 gauge. That was 5 years before I was 12

Seems like a stretch but okay. How did he know he'd use the shrink ray on himself?

Well at least he got to watch western movies.

It was a gamble Mr. Wonka was willing to take. In fact he was counting on Mike to be the victim of any of the planned incidents in the factory that occurred that day. I believe Mike was supposed to originally be the victim of the chocolate River but Augustus accidentally took his place. The reason why Augustus survived was due to his body mass blocking the pipe to the oven. If Mike had been in the water like wonka planned, he would've shot straight to the oven and became 2nd gen Anne frank.

So Wonka was planning on murdering Mike but instead he got a mouse-sized boy. Well what's he gonna do now? What if Mike still wants to act violently?

No big deal.


Would be cool if someone could deepfake Mike Teavee for Henry Fonda in that opening scene for Once Upon A Time In The West.

Tell me about it. His dad was a moderate if anything. He let his kid watch westerns and put a reasonable maturity cap on his son for when he'd outgrow treating firearms as toys and see them for the tools that they are.

I did that all the time as a kid, albeit as one of Mike's sworn enemies.

Re-phrase that: Mike Teavee did nothing wrong.

Top kek

>I did that all the time as a kid, albeit as one of Mike's sworn enemies.
Oh, you dressed up like an Indian?

Would you have jumped into the shrink ray as well?

Mr. Wonka fucked himself good. I assume he didn't actually believe the shrink ray would work on humans, and he expected Mike to be fucking annihilated and have his guts spray everywhere by the machine. But instead he ended up with a mouse sized boy that could be anywhere, a ticking time bomb, until he puts the pieces together and discovers wonka's plot all along.

Hell yes to both. My mom made me this kickass buckskin getup modeled on a mix of Chief Rose from the Village People and Mingo from Daniel Boone. I also had several of those good war bonnets, the kind complete with ermine and beads. I also had fake bone tube-bead chokers, a quiver, both store-bought and homemade arrows, plus several nice low-draw bows. Plus a few different stone tomahawks. I'd have my arsenal and he'd have his. Mike would probably have pretended to hate me and I'd put on a kayfabe for pretend's sake, but we'd probably become close pals and end up a tiny little best friend with him to the end. He was the most relatable character and I always felt bad for him. At least Augustus the fat kid had his faults blamed on his enabler mom. Mike just watched TV. But he couldn't have all the time if he also played with his pistols and would have one day learned to shoot for real. The analogy falls apart. I'm rooting for Mike.

Yeah, we know that Mike likes to play with his toy guns and has lots of friends from school (he literally starts saying hi to a very long list of kids as soon as he’s on TV) so he couldn’t have been that addicted. And what 9-year-old kid would turn down the chance to go through a shrink ray? There’d be all sorts of fun games you could play with your giant friends, and all sorts of fun adventures to be had, not to mention the TV would be the size of an IMAX screen.

Funnily enough, with both you and Mike shrunken down, you could recreate Indian in the Cupboard