Ask a racist Mexican anything

Ask a racist Mexican anything

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Why dont u fuckk of back to mexico

what's the secret to a really good chili

Peppers and meat. But you will find me doing black refried beans with chorizo for a torta or frijoles charros instead of chili.

I live in Mexico I make good money

Fuck all Mexicsn swine. Fucking dirty pigs.

3 pesos a day is not good money

are you a mexicunt or a mexicanned?

do people ever call you mexicunt?

can i call you mexicunt chan?

what's your thoughts on using dark chocolate in cooking?

unheard of

The only thing that you use chocolate on is in the process of making mole, and you're going to fuck it all up

Ah, chicano Johnny Depp a hero and a legend for traitors and niƱos de la calle

Chicanos never cease to amaze me

>spits on you

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Who are you racist towards?
What do you do for a living?

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ok, final food question. What do you lot think about curry?

who am I kidding chicanos

I don't like white people either. Maybe I'll have an European or Russian friend but I hate Britain and America

curry is what you call a Hindu and it sounds like saying bitch to a man.

The food is an inferior sauce and I can only think of bare shit wiping hands poverty and shit. You won't catch me dead at an Indian restaurant

I used to work in the ships, I consider Indians to be friends. In American highschool trying to be popular? They're just like chicanos They're a joke

Disgusting fucking people tryingto climb over each other to rape the white girls. 5 billion of them

I don't really hate British and America but I have found a distaste for them after getting to know them. Can't put it into words

I hate this new diversity shit. If you're not white you're not British or American

What percent of Mexicans would you say are racist if you had to guess? Who are most Mexicans racist towards, and why? Also, how do you feel about Trump's idea of a Mexican-US border wall?

the reason I posted Laura Flores in the OP is that I consider myself to be a member of society.

Today LGBT destroyed what was left of the fresas in a new Mexico

Everything is backwards, so as a conservative I pose tge question: how do you think society will judge you?

Damn, you're gonna hate me then. Lol.
But it's ok, I'm not a fan of chicanos myself. I live with them here. Some are good people. Some.

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I'd say most people are racist but an appalling number of people seem to think tolerance and American ideas are manners so I would call it 50 50

I don't think most people realize the threat that are chinks and pajeets in numbers of people. They outnumber us decent members of society, I think most people are worried about other Latin Americans which they interact with

I thought Trumps wall was a joke in highschool until it was no longer a joke it was something serious. The hatred Americans have against other people of European and native American descent is gross

I don't really hate people at this point in the classical sense of the word I have been mostly used to tolerance so I allow myself to be racist to gain back sanity from the past

I understand that you can't exactly attack negros but I feel as though you should hate the privileged and the rich.

In my worldview chicanos and negros fit this description. Both are privileged and rich.