Oh em gee guys She-Hulk is twerking like a quuen!

Oh em gee guys She-Hulk is twerking like a quuen!

Isn't it crazy that women have some how figured out how to ruin Marvel and comic books? As if it wasn't enough the Hulk is a cuck now, we now get to see She-hulk twerk like a mindless thot

More info : youtube.com/watch?v=T2ZLJblJEhQ

Attached: she-hulk twerking.png (1280x720, 779.56K)

I fucking hate Disney.

>A subclass of Hulk-nigger
>Somebody come get her
>She's hulking like a nigger

And then we all say more goodbye to inside soul time. Thanks Hollywood I mean Jew I mean Satan I mean the demi urge I mean the virgin I mean


Careful your misogyny might make her very mad and she might accidentally destroy a city.

sadface emoji sadface emoji cry laugh emojo


She hulk actually had an episode where she told hulk to not mansplain and then flipped him. Real feminist cringe shit

Fucking Christ.

The missus likes actual strong female characters (like she should) so she's big on Ripley from aliens, Xena, furiosa shit like that so after we've had an edible or 2 we veg out and watch tv

We got half way through ep 1 of she Hulk and bailed on that shit to never watch another episode again kek. Ended up watching daredevil instead

She likes stronk female characters (like she should) huh. You sure she should? I don't know bro, something tells me she's wearing the pants in your relationship, isn't she. Be honest.

Disney shits up everything it touches, who's surprised. Disney's been cancer for 50 years or more at this point. Always the uncool characters. Bugs Bunny and Warner Bros were the cool guys in the mid-1900's, no one cared about Disney Characters. It's all pozzed shit.

This is real? I thought the shit I was seeing on Twitter was fake.

Kek I'm not threatened by having a woman in my life that also wants to succeed instead of being a fat stay at home mom with kids pouring out her cunt like a clown car

People who never read a She-Hulk comic in their life are pissy about this show. Your opinions are irrelevant anyway.

Jesus Christ

Tell me when your opinions are relevant about anything.

Honestly wonder if the people responsible for ruining this show even watch it. This is pure cringe, but even then it's boring as fuck

>your opinions don't matter
>here are mine
There's somebody being technically incorrect on reddit, I think you need to get over there and correct them.

Attached: 1658361644357996.webm (240x360, 1.99M)


What the fuck is reddit you fag. Don't ever reply to my posts again or I'll skull fuck your mother.

Fuck christ I want to unsee that. I thought goblins didn't exist irl

>unplug your modems lol
Literal who gives a fuck. Why are you spreading this conversation and giving the show more attention. Thats all Disney wants.