How likely is a 51% attack to actually happen in a mainstream cryptocurrency?

How likely is a 51% attack to actually happen in a mainstream cryptocurrency?

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Zero, now lets put this thread to some good use.

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How are trannies related to cryptos?

more likely than you think
all major cryptocurrencies have extremely concentrated mining pools largely controlled by only a handful of major players
in theory only 2-5 entities at most need to agree to get a controlling stake
despite decentralization being the core idea behind crypto in practice it isn't really

how about you 41% yourself and these shitty threads

because they will both eventually die out?

> The top 3 mining pools by hashrate are:
>FoundryUSA, at 40.66 exahashes per second (EH/s); 20.5% of the total Bitcoin network hashrate
>F2Pool, at 34.41 EH/s; 17.4% of the total Bitcoin network hashrate
>AntPool, at 29.72 EH/s; 15% of the total Bitcoin network hashrate

51% attack are unavoidable in life
> what happen if like 90% of the people of a country decide they don't want the government?
> what happen if 90% of people in the world decide they don't want to accept dollars as payment?
> what happen if the majority of people in a group don't want to go to a specific restaurant in a eg school reunion?

How likely it is to happen? imo not so much

the processing power to successfully pull this type of attack off is considerable. Quantum computing would render it trivial; but in both cases, the amount of capital required to either amass the tech required or develop the tech required and use it for this purpose would put the capabilities firmly out of reach of 99.999 percent of people. In the case where this individual or individual possessed said processing power, it would be a far more profitable use of their processing power to simply mine. This, of course, will no longer be the case when there are no more bitcoin; although I imagine there are already contingencies in place for when that day arrives to avoid this.

TLDR op is a faget

Plurality market condition might not be strictly possible, but it's very likely the entire network is now an oligopoly and will converge deeper into that situation, making a 51% market made real by a cabal between the big players a possibility. I'm strictly talking out of my ass because the internet, which is very close in design to crypto, followed/is following a similar trajectory and it's obnoxious to me how people don't see that happening.

you can take over network with 34%, read about it

They'll just keep moving the 50% posts, but they set them very badly to begin with.

If China wasn't stupid they could have seized all of the bitcoin mining pools and do a 51% attack. They banned it and temporarily made it harder for another government to do the same thing.

99% of crypto already have >50% ownership by one party. You're not stupid, are you?

Happens all the time. You just happened to be a part of the 51%.

It already happened to ETC and it was barely a hiccup for them. People act like a 51% attack means that the controlling entity will just drain everyone of their funds or something, which is obviously not something that anyone would want, as it would also mean devaluing the blockchain to 0 and losing the billions they spent to attack the blockchain.

Unlikely because a chain rollback would fix it, then nodes with consensus will simply reject avery block coming from that pool creating a soft fork.

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Happened to doge coin at least twice

>Quantum computing would render it trivial
Okay, show me the algorithm using Qiskit. Im waiting

literally pseud
the subset of BQP problems is really fucking small, using quantum computers right now requires an intense scientific study to do basic shit