I had sex for the first time (with xx woman) ama

I had sex for the first time (with xx woman) ama

Attached: 1661814338647457.webm (512x512, 93.43K)

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what did it feel like

The actual penetration?
Uncomfortably tight, the foreplay was much more enjoyable
Can't expect sex between two virgins to be spectacular

um sauce on this? hehe just wondering..

how old are you? if you're both virgins she either must be not very attractive, you're one lucky motherfucker or you shouldn't be posting here

No idea, grabbed it on vg
19 she is 21, we're both attractive just asocial retards

fair enough how uncomfortable was the general atmosphere

How much?

It was very comfortable really, we've known each other for a long time (ldr)
I just tried to stop overthinking or I'd get mentally blocked

>Uncomfortably tight

She's a very petite girl and I have a thick dick

tree fiddy


Thank you user

Darn thought it was from a game or something. Hot nonetheless.

user you fucking idiot that means she was dry. hahahahaha. either not enough foreplay or she's not turned on by you. If she's wet enough you're going to go in no matter what, women can push a fucking baby out of there even if you have a 10 incher it can go in.

Well now that you finally lost your v-card, do you feel accomplished? Was it everything you thought it would be?

Attached: mv7bglydns651.jpg (640x1138, 41.76K)

>she was dry
We did an hour of foreplay, oral, everything on the book, she said she was just really stressed and even cried afterwards for being unable to perform well, it made me sad
I feel just as I always do, no profound personality change
It actually was better than I expected

alright that does make sense, it can happen to women too from anxiety/stress/ nervousness the same with men not being able to get it up. But don't claim it's because your dick was too huge. That is retarded.

It was a joke reply, thought it was obvious
She said she'll consult a gynecologist about it

>see a gyno

lmao just do it more and she wont be stressed. Have fun with it user