Are there benefits to me suppressing the fag side of me and trying to live a disciplined...

Are there benefits to me suppressing the fag side of me and trying to live a disciplined, but inauthentic life with a woman? I want to be normal, lmao.

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Yeah I think I was happier when I wasnt sucked into technology. Plus with the right wife you can still be exactly the same.

yes he common benefit of this lifestyle is a bullet to the head

Yes, but not enough that you should do it. You only have a single life. There are no backsies, no do-overs. You're playing ironman and if you don't live the way you want to live, you'll have wasted your life. There are no people lying on their death beds wishing they had been less true to themselves. Wishing they had abstained from pursuing their dreams and their desires. Not one. Not ever.

Raise your testosterone levels. That seems to do the trick with others.

Not getting monkey pox

I want to "waste" my life to do it correctly. Is that so bad? Can't I learn to enjoy women?

What does that do? Aren't there horny high T gay men?

No such thing.
>Is that so bad?
Not if you like heartbreak.
>Can't I learn to enjoy women?
You can learn to endure women, not enjoy them.

I want to endure and eventually enjoy them. How is that wasting my life lol?


>How is that wasting my life lol?
Because you can't do it. Sexuality doesn't work that way and has never worked that way.

Just be gay

you don't need to shave your ass with a woman

I can do it, I just won't enjoy it, but I can learn to, right?



Because you are gay.

You cannot learn to enjoy it, no.

Dude, just be gay. I've actually known men who pretended to be straight, get married, and have kids. Sooner or later they get fed up with it, come out of the closet, destroy their family, break the wife's heart because you lied about being straight, and then just live an incredibly unhealthy lifestyle to "make up" for the lost years they could have been with dudes.

I wouldn't know, I actually like women but have fucked men because I am a dog and needed to cum. I don't want a romantic relationship with a man, I don't want anything serious with a man, maybe a tranny but a man? hell no, I want a woman. I know what I am, I have relationships with women, and sex with men.

No, KYS faggot. Right now, hang your self from the highest point you can find and plunge into the abyss. There will be plenty of trannies to sodomize you there. Eternal bliss and evolution all in one step!

What makes them unable to? Why can't ai succeed where they failed?

I would say your motivation would be one of the leading causes. "I want to be normal" is living for other people's opinions of you. Living an entire lifestyle with a gender you don't want to have sex with for others' approval isn't healthy.

For the same reason you can't grow taller by willpower.

Wanting a traditional family with a woman isn't a good motivation?