Question for non alcoholics

To the people without a drinking problem: What is the mechanism inside you that allows you to put your drink down at the end of the night? How is it that you are only able to have 1 or 2 and then stop? Do you not enjoy the warm numbness of intoxication? Assume you are drinking your favorite drink.

Attached: beer.jpg (222x227, 5.39K)

I just don't like alcohol

I work every day even on weekends, I don't have any days I can just get drunk at night and let it out in the morning i have to be up and at em at 6 am

I just don't like being drunk. I hate feeling sloppy.

Being drunk doesn't feel that good, and I hate being hungover

One thing is cost. I drink good beer and good beer costs good money.

Another is weight gain. Good beer is loaded with terrible calories and you will balloon out of control if you drink a six pack every night.

Last is enjoyment. Two 9% beers is plenty. I get to that sweet spot of not caring and not feeling physically ill. Just enough of the frontal lobes turned off without the brutal degenerate effects of alcohol on the rest of the body.

Learn to love yourself user.

will power.
but usually after a few beers i feel satasfied

The world ending for me was a nice touch. Too bad that's impossible. Cry.

This guy. What he said.

Booze is good, but also is a nice clear head

The following hangover seems to happen semi often even though I try to stay hydrated/eat something. No hangovers while high. I'm a much more social drinker anyway.

you sound like you're 18
perhaps not even

I wish I could articulate it well
I just don't want to drink that much, so I don't.
Last week I actually wanted to drink a bit, but I only had 5 cans of beer. Before I started I already had the idea of how intoxicated I wanted to get and I didn't want to keep going once I hit it.

Excessive intoxication brings out the worst in me. I want to be better than that so I struggle with it just like my many addictions.

It’s called being a fucking adult. I love drinking, but watch what I’m drinking when I know I’ve got shit to do the next day. If not, then there’s no issue drinking as much you like. Hangovers take longer to recover from as you get older, so I take that into consideration and try not to fuck myself over too bad.

You have a sense of responsibility, this is good.

I love or at least am OK with feeling sloppy and out of control. That's obviously part of the problem.
Every alcoholic hates being hungover. But I guess the difference is we love being drunk. I love the warm numbness.
The problem is as soon as I hit that sweet spot my brain is like, GIVE ME MORE OF THIS FEELING. And inevitably I gulp it down faster than my body can actually process it.

Being tipsy is nice, but being drunk sucks ass. Why would you want to get tanked with any regularity?

I'm a 30 year old man struggling with alcohol since about grade 10, with a habit that gradually escalated over time. You lose your soul one tiny unnoticeable piece at a time as the wolf of wall street said.

I know once I'm buzzed it's not going to get anymore enjoyable if I keep drinking.

I think there are a lot of hereditary and social aspects that dictate whether you'll become an alcoholic or not.
Virtually all the people in my family have been alcoholics at one point or another and usually only stop because they were near death or someone close to them died.
Literally have only one man over 50 years old in my family left alive because the men all died.

I didn't drink till I was 22 years old but started when I was in the military due to the extreme stress and not being able to unwind. I took every precaution to not let it become a problem and for years had a policy of not buying booze for home and to drink only socially. Didn't last more than a couple years and I think it's just how people in my family are. Just extremely addicted personalities.
Now at 30, I can say I've got a problem but I keep a routine of drinking on weekends only.

I know all of these things and I know what alcohol is doing to me, but I just can't stop drinking beer. I don't care if I'm piss drunk and hungover the next day, not like anyone cares.

>genetically predisposed to having alcoholism
>depression and anxiety makes it 1000% worse
>used to have a really bad drinking problem

Honestly OP I just quit cold turkey, I didn't buy any booze, or drink anything for a solid year, the first 2 to 3 weeks were tough as fuck, but then it got a little easier everyday, now I've realized I don't need to drink and choose not to, you can do it OP if you choose to go sober it's going to be really tough, but I'm sure you can do it man, best of luck either way

Alcoholism runs in both sides of my family. Plus I had a lonely childhood and my parents divorced when I was 16. I guess it was just bound to happen. How on earth are you able to limit it to weekends only?

I don't drink, so I'm not an alcoholic subhuman piece of shit

>What is the mechanism inside you that allows you to put your drink down at the end of the night?
I know that if I drink more than a certain anount of alcohol (about 10 standard drinks, less for dark coloured drinks) I will have a hangover the next day
>How is it that you are only able to have 1 or 2 and then stop? Do you not enjoy the warm numbness of intoxication?
I don't have just 1 or 2 drinks, it isn't enough to get me drunk. I usually have 8 or 9. Having only 1 or 2 would be a waste of money.
I drink about once every 2 weeks because I don't want to fuck up my liver. There is always alcohol in my fridge because I take advantage of any specials I can get, like the coupons on receipts. But I don't feel compelled to drink it. Maybe it's because i am so stingy with money and don't want to waste any (I always have a plan for nights when I drink, like watching a movie or going for a walk)