What exactly did Mike Teavee do wrong again?

What exactly did Mike Teavee do wrong again?

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He dropped a hard R NIGGER into that microphone and mom couldn't be more proud.


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She became the blue pill.

this nigga was a straight up bitch. the type of lil nigga who is a snitch, cries about not getting what he wants and was a pos. he did everything wrong

>letting the goybox take over parenting
Sone people should not breed

But how is any of that Mike's fault?

oompa looking to blueberry his dick up in her violet beauregarde

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Mike watched based westerns

He acted like he was in charge when he wasn't, and he got what he asked for. It's a lesson in being full of shit.

If this film was remade that he would be some "alpha male" loser who thinks he knows how the world REALLY works. And pulling this shit would cost him. And then he'd complain about libtards and cancel culture and how the left made him a Nazi. Then a third of the nation would mock him, while another third supported random fatasses storming a chocolate factory for revenge.

>He acted like he was in charge when he wasn't, and he got what he asked for.
I don't see he downside here, you're right, he LITERALLY got what he asked for, and he enjoyed it too so...how is that bad?

>"Look at me everybody I'm the first person in the world to be sent by television!"
>"Wow, what a wild trip that was."
>"This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me!"
>"Wow, that was something, can I do it again?"
>"Don't worry about a thing mom, I feel fine!"
>"I'm famous, I'm a TV star! Wait till the kids back home hear about this!"
He wasn't crying about not getting what he wanted.

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give it a fucking break, your retarded thread popping up every day every hour does not give it value

>what did he do wrong?

nigga the little orange men fucking told you in a goddamn song

They said he watched too much TV but isn't there supposed to be a bad outcome associated with that?


Gum chewing's fine when it's once in a while...


Mike Teavee was autistic, already hooked on medication, would sacrifice quality for profit if given the chance, chewed too much gum and watched too much TV