What the fuck is their problem?

What the fuck is their problem?

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we'll never know, uriel died

I don't understand. Which part of this do you object to?

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is this ulililia's new website?

i really don't get why some people think that plan 9 mk is better than standard unix make.

Not OP, but issues start with what is considered an "alternative" to certain things:
>JSON is a key-value based notation for data exchange, XML is a markup language for structuring and formatting data
>JSON is not an alternative to XML in most cases

>awk's a language intended for working on text data, Ruby/Perl are general purpose languages
>awk is not an alternative to Ruby/Perl in most cases

>ed is a text editor, emacs is a language interpreter that contains a text editor, eclipse is a specialized IDE ecosystem (admittedly a disastrous one)
>ed is not an alternative to emacs in many cases

>Plan 9 from User Space is a collection of ports from Plan 9 and doesn't contain everything that would be needed to replace coreutils

They're Bell Labs shills who are using the "turning brands into religions" method.

so is there a list of what is good?

cat-v is based because it's a mix of reasonable opinions and pure autism. It gets people way madder than something wholly retarded.

>JSON is not an alternative to XML in most cases
JSON has already replaced XML for most of the bullshit people were using XML for 20 years ago.

For MOST, yes.
And you're entirely correct in that people were using XML for shit it was never meant to be for. You know your shit, I see.
But they both have their place in the landfill of data structuring.

JSON is a perfectly fine alternative to XML as used by javabeaners, soapdroppers and macfags. It might even be (a suitable backbone for) an HTML replacement, depending on what you're doing. e.g. I don't think web document editors send any HTML down the line these days.
awk is not general-purpose (arguably...) but rc + awk sounds like it could compete with perl for most of perl's usecases.
I assume the purported alternative to Emacs or Eclipse is Acme, not ed.

awk is pretty based. It's on any UNIX ever and does most of the things sh does well like process handling, piping, output redirection etc. easy, but also gives you stuff like arrays, hash tables, local variables and other stuff. If you are writing a shell script that is longer than a few lines and contains control flow try awk next time.

This is what happens when desktop ricers with no experience working on enterprise applications decide to share their "wisdom"

> replace Java with C
Nobody in their right mind would write a web application in C, or any unmanaged language.
Its not just the lack of frameworks, its the fact that writing secure C is hard enough when you aren't getting constant malicious input from around the world like you do with a public facing websites.

"Everything should be in C" is a brainlet meme you hear from tech youtubers who have never actually written C code, and these guys fell for it.

In fact almost every alternative on this list is a bad meme.

What you are failing to realize is it's not just giving you an "alternative" - it is also making a statement itself
You don't NEED a markup language to format data.
You can just bundle formatting data in the data structure, which is precisely what you can do with JSON.
>awk vs Ruby/Perl
You don't NEED a general purpose scripting language.
They tend to be clunky and bloated compared to DSLs - in that you have to wrap things and deploy a one size fits all solution, whereas a DSL can be easier and simpler by virtue that it doesn't have to wrap data in its domain.
>Emacs/Vim/Eclipse vs. Ed/Acme/Sam
You don't NEED a language interpreter with your text editor.
Do one thing and do it well.
Edit text in a tool designed to edit text, and interpret a language in a tool that is desgined to interpret languages. Thus don't edit text in Emacs!
And for the love of god, DON'T COMBINE THEM INTO AN IDE! That creates a bloated monstrosity!
>Plan 9 vs Coreutils
You don't NEED the tools that aren't in Plan 9 from User Space.

what's funny about the acme thing is that the principle behind it is perfectly sound, but it still fails because the UI is so autistic that almost nobody used it
emacs gets a pass because you can use boomer dropdown menus

>clunky and bloated compared to DSLs
Very true until the point where you require a fuckton of DSLs. In which case you have bloated your own system with 10 different interpreters.
Besides, if you have a DSL fetish, use Lisp. That'll allow/force you to make one DSL PER PROGRAM that'll perfectly fit what your software's meant to do.

this is so fucking retarded
different meats and fish benefit from different frying pan materials, do you have one frying pan per meat you like?

You're projecting your own opinions onto this and assuming they have wise reasons that you made up in your head. If the columns were reversed, it would actually make more sense. Most of the ones on the left besides pthreads and C++ are better than the ones on the right, and that's only because I'd put C++ with C. Info has hyperlinks which makes it better than man pages meant to be printed on teletypes. XML and SGML have DTDs for validation and define what things are in the tags and attributes instead of depending on ordered lists, or worse, unstructured text where each byte can have arbitrary meaning. Perl and Ruby are more powerful than sh and awk, so they are better because you can do more in the same language (and there are still better languages than those because they are even more powerful). IDEs are a much better way to program than using random programs designed for teletypes (seriously, ed?) and being scriptable makes it even better. UTF-8 is a workaround for Unix programs not being able to handle 0 bytes in strings (along with UUencode, UU stands for Unix to Unix) which was not a problem in other operating systems.

tell me how I know you don't work in tech without telling me you don't work in tech

it is

>JSON is not an alternative to XML in most cases
yes it fucking is, in the majority of cases

>awk is not an alternative to Ruby/Perl in most cases
yes it is, you're just a babby duck

>ed is not an alternative to emacs in many cases
it's tongue-in-cheek you retard

It's one faggot and he necked himself several years ago

Writing insecure C is easy, which does not mean that writing secure C is hard.

>blah blah blah enterprise blah blah blah we NEED to use xml and java blah blah blah enterprise
No one cares. Get a real job.