How do you kill yourself in a way that makes it look like an accident

How do you kill yourself in a way that makes it look like an accident

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auto erotic asphyxiation

Walk into incoming traffic, but make sure there are no CCTV cameras.

Plus you get the bonus of ruining somebodies life.

Car wreck

Not even trolling. This is the only way I can think of. Everything else just seems to obvious.

Live until 100 years old, then just give up

You're going to need a hammer, some nails, some cheese wire, and some superglue.
First find a tree you can climb that has a branch you can stand on. Nail the finger-loops in the end of the cheese wire as securely as you can but make sure you leave a loop big enough that you can fit your head through. Next, put your head through the loop and apply the superglue to the palms of both hands, then stick them to the sides of your head. Once the glue sets and you can't pull your hands away, jump off the tree limb.

The cheese wire will cut through your throat allowing you to fall to the ground and to who ever finds your body it will look like you pulled your own head off.

bitch how you accidentally pull your own head off

Get a weather ballon, a gun, a bag and a can of hydrogen gas.
Put the gun in the bag and tie the bag to the weather balloon filled with hydrogen gas.
Then shoot yourself in the motherfucking head.
The ballon will carry the gun way up into the stratosphere, leading everyone to believe you were murdered by hispanics.

Trying to imitate the movie "Labyrinth"?

That would also a good way to get rid of a murder weapon. Shoot somebody, let the balloon carry away the murder weapon and gloves, and just stay on the scene until the cops get there and be the only witness to the murder. That's some Batman-tier shit right there.

It might be a little suspicious that you’re walking around with a 10’ diameter weather balloon, but hey it’s worth a shot right?

You get really fuckin fat and pretend you have diabetes
>then die from diabetes
>thatll show em
>and help you get that in surance payout youre clearly not motivated by

buy a bottle of hard liquor and pour it up your ass. leave some lube, meth, boxes of condoms around. invite someone over from Grindr. everyone will think you accidentally all that alcohol. they'll also know you're a faggot, OP

Tie a helium balloon to a knife and stab yourself, let the ballon fly away and then fall down a flight of stairs. Guaranteed to baffle autopsy doctors and criminologists or your money back.

go driving in the Appalachian mountains and just drive off the edge. the mountains are horrendously known for having extremely harsh travel roads with sheer cliff edges. plus if anything an animal will get to you and finish you off in your final moments

Holy shit that's brilliant.

World of Warcraft

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these are Rare Quads
An exceptionally Rare GET
Be honored user
World of Warcraft indeed
it is confirm
it is confirm
it is confirm
it is confirm

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Why do you care? You'll be dead

Scream "WHOOPSIE!" from the top of your lungs before the train hits you. Source: experience

I'm alive now and care.