What percentage of the world's population is just Avril Lavigne in disguise?

What percentage of the world's population is just Avril Lavigne in disguise?

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Who are those 13%?


cant speak for others but i know i am
i think, therefore i am avril lavigne

No way. That's impossible!


nah. its true.

I'm not avril lololol you!

I am sorry John, but you know too much.
We are coming for you.

Not Mr. T.

Attached: Mr._T.jpg (289x351, 22.48K)


The ones that do the 50%

If you're talking about black people, that doesn't make sense because Avril is white.


Everybody but me; and I'm not even sure about me anymore.

I'm not Avril either.

That's just what Avril WOULD say. Nice try.

Avril Lavigne is a girl. I'm not.

Of course you're not, Avril.