My 9 year old cousin ate like 3 of my edibles. They all had 5 grams of THC in them. What do I do?

My 9 year old cousin ate like 3 of my edibles. They all had 5 grams of THC in them. What do I do?

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eat him to get the thc back

Hide your drugs better

I hope youre kidding lol
but if not try to put on some calm interesting music along with something thought provoking/interesting and educational
that might take her mind off the fact she's tripping balls
also prepare to make very tasty food
if she's not allergic she might have a wonderful time, but she will likely be high for days
I know it effects me that long at least
peace. good luck.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Pack some bags for him because he's going on a trip.

Get them to throw up somehow.

If it wasn’t too long ago, induce vomiting to limit how much thc they absorb. After that, they’ll just have to ride out what thc is already in their system.

You better hope their parents don't freak out or you may be going to jail.

Call the FBI, they'll help

don't make a big deal, try keep him calm. last thing you want is a psychosis episode that turns him permaschizo.
usually with kids they will just giggle and fall asleep. make sure to not show worry around them.

Find yourself a lawyer.

Start talking to him about demons and hidden dark worlds

give him milk, im seriously

Induce vomiting, keep them away from other people, give them sleeping medicine, wait it out, or tell the truth to their parents.
Obviously they won't die and will be fine though lol.

Is everyone in this thread retarded? OP obviously meant 5mg, there are no 5 gram edibles on the market. Your cousin is going to be very high for roughly 6-8 hours, turn on a TV and give him snacks every now and then, he'll be fine.

Christ people are acting like he just dropped a whole sheet of acid, relax OP.

I mean they WILL feel it, but they'll be alright or just straight pass out. Make sure they're comfy and treat it like tripsitting.

>give them sleeping medicine
your entire post is a bad idea, but that part is retarded.

I think the issue is reading "5 grams" and then seeing "each". It didn't parse for me. Mistaking milligrams for grams is hardly an easy thing to do either.

CBD will temper the effects of the THC.

>My 9 year old cousin ate like 3 of my edibles. They all had 5 grams of THC in them. What do I do?

Set ur cousin down in front of the TV, and put on a show your cousin enjoys - something with laughs, not gore or horror. The kids will watch TV, maybe nap some and everything will be fine.

Lemonade and mabey make em sniff peper ik im late but whatever any post story user of what happend

Record it.

Poetic luck

As soon as the drugs take hold tell them cops are outside and they know. Then go outside and start knocking on the doors and windows as loud as you can. That will teach them not to eat your drugs.

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God is watching. Your mother is screaming for your father.

idk if that dog's going to fuck her or rip her to shreds and at this point its a 50/50

Kill em and yourself you fuckin faggot
>fuck your mother

Yeah tell them that too.

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