What is the most socially unacceptable opinion you genuinely hold...

What is the most socially unacceptable opinion you genuinely hold? Don't just say the most offensive thing you can think of to rustle jimmies, it's more interesting if you really believe and defend the opinion.

>women are like children; they're emotionally unstable and require a strong hand in a relationship or they'll make you both miserable with their nonsense.

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I'll post 3 to bump thread

>while yes, trannies do live rent free in the head if the far right and those who obsess over their very existence are morons, it is on the other hand ridiculous to allow them to compete in sports against real women who they are biologically superior to. And child drag shows are grooming duh

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>an unarmed populace opens itself up to becoming a police state crushed by the jackboot of the government they made the mistake of trusting, and an armed populace will always result in mass shootings. There is no avoiding these facts. You can reduce deaths with gun laws and mental health programs but you can never, ever eliminate mass shootings.

Gender roles are nothing but a label. The characteristics are malleable to whatever the society seems are fit. It is manipulative in the highest degree and holds you back as a human to reach enlightenment. The only thing that matters is your sexual attraction, anything beyond is fraudulent.

Shame is healthy to a certain extent. That was what kept people living in reality, being told that they were acting retarded or like a faggot. It was a way to correct unwanted behavior instead of letting wanton desires take place and abnormality being the new normal

i would say it's that OP is a huge fag but that's pretty much universally excepted.

you have to be 18 to post here.


Ive never heard someone say this that was successful. My wife probably makes more money than you and she is a wonderful mom. You were likely just the offspring of a drunken unplanned night by a future single mom.

I genuinely think the Nazis should have won the war, my country would be a great world power today instead of some second rate player that still has to submit to either America or China. I don't care about the X-Gorillion people that would have been killed/enslaved/deported, if that is the cost for self determination then so be it

Unlimited spaces only exist in theoretical situations. Like an unlimited 2D plane couldn’t exist in reality because it would collapse into itself like a sphere. If you walked in a “straight” line, you’ll eventually walk around the earth because celestial bodies tend to be spherical. If you travel through space you’ll come back to origin point because the universe is a donut shape. I think that if you travel far enough into the future you’ll end up in the past. Ultimately, when you die, you start life over again, a life well lived is heaven, hell is a life of regret.

Call my jimmies rustled or whatever but women say this about men and I see it ring true more often.

The problem with people like you is, you take your very basic and often misinterpreted understanding of complex physics topics and sprinkle some spirituality on top to fit your own agenda.

devolving is a real process and genetics play important role in behaviour

most think themselves as "moderns" with their user friendly phones but can't barelly grasp how anything around them work, user grade neanderthals

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>people like you
Ayyy a rustled jimmy! What’s my agenda and why is it problematic for you?

You'll probably think that this is a troll post, but it isn't. Go fuck yourself.

Having been expelled from 109 civilizations a whopping total of 359 times for betraying the citizens' trust of them, the Jew exists only to subvert and destroy. He believes he is somehow a "victim" of Christianity, somehow a "victim" of those in the Middle East seemingly denying him his allowance to trade. He believes that his vendetta against all non-Jews is justified, and that every non-Jew, otherwise known as a Gentile or "goyim" (cattle) can be exploited, in the name of securing the planet for one species - and I say that term literally - the Jew.

The Jew knows no scruples. He knows nothing of empathy and compassion, traits that the human mind has evolved to make us the dominant species on the planet. He does not work with his hands. It is "beneath" him. The Jew does not create, and knows nothing of self-sacrifice for the nourishment of others. He is literally a parasite, clinging to the back of hard-working humans as he has done so for thousands of years.

And if you tell him all of this, if you inform him of the truth that he has known for a VERY long time, he will cringe in reply and play the victim - even as he schemes to have you destroyed for saying so. But you won't be destroyed by his hand. Oh, no. You will be destroyed by the hands of those he easily manipulates. Because he isn't man enough to work with his own hands.

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2 unpopular opinions:

>yes, most women are like children however you have to take into account the fact that it's guys that blow smoke up their asses all their lives. you know those ugly chicks that are only career oriented, hard-working that only care about performance? most guys never gave them a second look so they didn't grow up with the idea that they can be dumb but good looking and they'll get everything they want. stop treating pussy like it's something magical

>just like a registry for sex offenders a registry for bad employees should exist. if you don't do your job, you're a lazy piece of shit and you get sacked for it, other businesses should know. i'm tired of making sure some retard doesn't fuck up the relationship with a client because he can't deliver what he promised. "it's just a job" is not an excuse to act entitled and then complain when you're getting the boot. this registry could also work for the employees because you could sue the business if they claim you were a lazy cunt but it's just some personal opinion of a manager that had something against you

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Yesss dude people think shit is linear when it’s actually more fluxy and cyclical. “muh progress” and whatnot is small-scope.

>r-r-r-rustled j-j-jimmy!!

I'll take this as you acknowledging I'm right. Have a nice day.

Literally white people, so are Jews white or are whites Jewish?

Right about what?
What’s my agenda, what’s your issue with it? Just be up front.

Cool story, faggot. But I don't give a FUCK what you think. I posted what socially-unacceptable opinion I genuinely hold, and you can eat SHIT.

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I like your first half but yeesh on that second thing, which already exists but I can’t remember what exactly it was called. It’s more of a corporate level employee thing too if memory serves.

Hold that opinion, I can’t stop you, just know Jews are a smokescreen / scapegoat for cracker shit. Anything whites complain about Jews for, they’ve done… ((whites))

yeah "i am participating in progress"
>muh right side, the side of science

in reality they are indoctrinated and calling dogs their kids, theres nothing scientific about them

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1/ Ecology is a scam
2/ Renewable energies are ridiculously inefficient
3/ EV cause more pollution than regular cars

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Wat abt sum fookin public transit tho?