Freedom of speech

>freedom of speech
>but not freedom from consequences so if you say something bad you will have to go to jail
how does that make any sense at all to liberals?
is everything they think up this retarded sounding?

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dont care... who is the red head bitch.....

Christ you're retarded. Consequences in that context doesn't mean that you go to jail. It means if you say shit people don't like then they might treat you differently. That might be kicking you out of a bar, firing you, or just not wanting to associate with you. Or other shit. It's not like jail is the only bad thing.

very good point

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This. It's a pretty simple concept that only retards (read: conservatives) seem to struggle with.

but libs still spout that saying when people get banned from what is essentially the town square

Who's the girl?

You retards are chronically online, how do you still not know how to use a computer? It's Sabrina Lynn

Twitter and Facebook aren't the town square. They have conduct policies and morons like Trump violate them.

I don't think it's good for multinational corporations to dictate what you can or can't say online. It's weird to see young people these days begging for censorship.

zishy studio is top notch erotica
you are right man, internet is our space to talk, and "they" are constantly harassing social networks alternatives like gab

>Consequence bad! Me want to do what me want! Me no want bad thing to happen to me!
Liberals and conservatives can both go die in a fire.

Yeah, and 400 years ago people who disrupted the community were shunned and exiled if they didn't fall in line with the community's moral code.

They're private businesses that serve the public. If the public doesn't want to hear you spout your racist dribble, it's in the businesses' best interest to prevent that from happening, so that people will want to use their site. Just like how clubs don't let in people who don't fit the dress code and gyms ban people who take pictures of others. This is not a complicated concept.

OP just wants to yell "FIRE!" in a theater.

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So can we also say that freedom of sexual orientation doesnt mean freedom of consequences and accept that people might treat you differently if you're gay?

Yeah, same deal with race. Unfortunately for bigots, modern society believes you shouldn't treat someone differently for race or sexual orientation. You're welcome to move to Nigeria if you want though.

dont you .. forget about me

Why do conservatards claim to love the constitution but dont understand jack shit about it?
is it kind of like how they think the bible says abortion is a sin when it doesnt mention it at all? But what the bible DOES say is when life begins, and its at birth. Before birth the spirit does not enter the body, no soul.
its almost as if they do not read and merely repeat what some other dipshit is telling them.

>go to jail
That is not freedom.

thats not what censorship is. Did you know we used to only have 3 channels on the tv and only one with news? back then the government could craft a perfect message full of propaganda. How do you think we supported drafting troops for a war in KOREA or VIETNAM, two places most americans still cant find on a map.

So your rationality is based on popular beliefs, okay...

rationality is based on morality.
My morality is based on the golden rule I was taught as a Catholic: "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

You can have this opinion without dumbshit religion.

It's about minimizing harm to yourself by creating an expectation of minimizing harm to everyone. If you can create a culture that expects you to respect the choices of people around you, then that will propagate to the rest of the community in regards to your choices, reducing the chance some dumbfuck Karen calls the cops on you for existing.

I didn't say mine, I said society. You don't have to agree with every aspect of society to acknowledge the social contract inherent in living in a society.