I date this girl online for 2 months...im not sure now

is this a guy or a girl.....help me Any Forums

Attached: Untitled (1) (1).webm (352x640, 1.02M)

two months and no nudes?

Either way its still fuckable

Nigga that’s a man

That’s a dude bruh. Look at the bone structure. Also…. Why you dating some slag online and not meeting. That’s horseshit. I hope you haven’t been sending this faggot money.

It’s a trans they don’t tell u that because they first want u to get deep into the relationship first

Its a Persian princess tho

U ever been fucked before?

Mentally ill man, larping as female. You're not 'dating' anyone

Look at the forehead/eyebrows/browline shape. Hard to tell by their hands but maybe they are just cryot keeper hands.

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It's fascinating to see how Any Forumstards can find ways to say that a girl is a dude

>muh transphobia

I think she's older that she told you.

And with a bigger cock than she told you

Imagine thinking that’s a woman

That's a dude, would though.

Well to be fair the video quality is very shit but irl you would be able to tell very easily.

in minecraft?

If she has a vagina, good
If she has a penis, good
Nothing wrong here

That's a dude. Forget what everyone else is saying about bone structure and hands and all that shit. The one true tell tale sign of a tranny is the smirk. Notice how they do a little smirk with only one side of their mouth? Troons ALWAYS do that, if you pay attention. It's never a full on smile, but a one sided smirk.

True the video is potato quality but even irl I’m sure it still looks like a tranny

>If she has a penis...
The mentally insane have taken over.

Ackshually that is a man my little crumpets. I laugh at your inferior puny brains, but alas. I am here to help you plebeians ascend the plains of common understanding once again. You see you can tell by his extremely offstandish behaviour that it IS INDEED a MAN. Not to mention, heh, look at that giant hand. Woman? More like woah-a-man! Huhuhum ahem! Well anyways my picklepies I will bid you adue until next time you require my 189IQ. ~desu

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