Time travel to the past is possible

However, it would require utilizing what we know about quantum mechanics, namely, the many-worlds theory.

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In other words, it's not traveling to the past. It's traveling to another world that just resembles the past to some degree.

>time travel is possible!
>look at this theory!

Kill yourself retard

Subhuman piece of shit

I have perfected time travel.
I can travel to the future.

Now I'm in the future.
Hiw fucking cool is that?
And give me my Nobel prize now damnit.

Holy shit this guy just time travelled 46 secs to the future!

Tell me something interesting or even noteworthy now.

Your underage ass probably doesn't even know what movie the pic is from. Not that you would care because it came out before you were born. Stick to your capeshit and 22 Jump Street garbage.

It begs the question: what even is time travel, really? What is time?

Back to the Future

No it isn’t dumb ass. It’s a fun story, that’s about it.

Get b&

For human beings it’s about 4000 weeks. And this and it’s up to you to make the best of them.

It's possible. That doesn't mean it's likely to happen within our lifetimes, but it is a possibility.

Not in the conventional way people think of time travel, no. The only thing remotely close is reversing age, and that's theoretically possible at best.

Did you read the article? It outlines that time travel is effectively possible via traveling back towards the past in an identical "world". Such a device could probably take you to the "world" you came from as well. This is all theoretical, but it's worth discussing because that's the only way anything gets done.

i'm in detroit and my brother in cali is three hours in the past

Im cool with that. Hop back every so often while recording the entire internet. Keep going until all human media is recorded. Fuck off to Mars and build a library. Then wait until discovered.

Like Brainiac except without the destroying planets part.

Brainiac is such a fundamentally poorly thought out character. If he was really that smart, at that point he shouldn't be fucking around