Weren’t the confederates just fighting the woke agenda? Same shit different decade

Weren’t the confederates just fighting the woke agenda? Same shit different decade..
>itt why the confederates were right

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Yes they were but the jews will tell you otherwise. (they’ll flood this thread shortly)

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>Wears a cowboy outfit
>Watches westerns
>Likes guns and will get one when he's 12
Mike Teavee was a southerner.

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Stupid inbred rednecks have always been stupid inbred rednecks. Same shit, different century.

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you realize texas isn’t the south, right dipshit?

They fought over tariffs.
That's factually the reason the Civil War began.
The first battle was at a tax collection fort.
Any other answer is cope and wrong.

It joined with the confederacy, it's close enough.

you were right. it only took a minute for the kike to arrive:

post your feet

Any argument about slavery is stupid. Ultimately the North didn't like black people, which was the reason they didn't like slavery. Not because they thought it was immoral, but it meant blacks would be near them, so they made laws reserving Western and Northern territories for whites. This is where the concept of continental segregation comes from.
>inb4 hurrr hurrr reddit spacing
Ultimately secession was not illegal, and at worst in a legally gray area as the constitution said nothing of it while also not specifying that a State couldn't leave. There are multiple causes for secession, and yes some States mention slavery(even though slavery as an institution was not under threat with Lincoln and the Republicans ensuring it as a protected right)
Will continue

Projection. Jews are inbred as fuck. They are so inbred there are unique genetic diseases only Jews get.

Good post.
Also the average white southerner hated slavery too.
Slaves were back then what illegal spics are today.
Cheap labor for plutocrats.
99% of whites didn't even know anybody with a single slave.

If white southerners hated slavery so much why did they lynch abolitionists and burn abolitionist newspaper offices? Fuck me how are you retards so ignorant of your own history.

Most States, like my home State of Tennessee, didn't give a reason for secession but it is presumable to be because Lincoln's illegal call for 75,000 to invade the South and his illegal call for a blockade around the seceding States. The States that did give a reason for secession give multiple reasons for secession, all of which cite excessive taxation as a cause. Essentially 75% to 90% of all federal revenue of the time was coming from the South's taxes, and an overwhelming majority of that revenue was being spent in the North. Not only that, but Lincoln and the Republicans ran on a platform of increasing these already high taxes(which Lincoln did almost as soon as he got in office) That is the short version, but the main cause for secession is taxation, with the argument of resisting an oppressive central government there as well, hence why the South named their country the Confederate States, implying the State to be independent.

No, because slave owners were mostly Jewish
and that's why they believe the Jew

Because they wanted to send them back to apefrica, not live with them.

I know this is bait, but jesus fucking christ.

Slavery in the South was different in the majority of the States, most considered slave owners to be entitled to the slave's labor but did not legally consider slaves property. In this time slavery was a different much more humanitarian form of it than it ever had been before this point. Not justifying it, but the characterization of Southern slavery being a brutal and evil thing is entirely false for the majority of the South, excluding Florida. Why else do you think slaves didn't rebel? It's because they were fed, clothed, sheltered, and allowed rights that other slaves of previous times never had.

itt russian trollbots bring up shite that gas nothing to do with nothing to aggravate the low hanging smoov brain usa retards

No, the slave traders were, majority of which were in the Northern States. The CSA had actually banned the slave trade.
Not an argument Goldstein
Maybe if yankee education wasn't brainwashing garbage jews could be questioned without being immediately dismissed/imprisoned

Weird how the southern governments didn’t have any plan to phase out slavery and recolonize Africa with the freed slaves. The mirage of Liberia had, in reality, very few actual supporters even in the north. Please read actual civil war books written by historians (McPherson, Catton for example) instead of regurgitating idiotic image board drivel.

No they weren’t dumb fuck.

Delete your thread now

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are the "Russians" in the room with you right now?
do they ever speak to you or ask you to do things?

they were fighting to keep negros living around them. how is this based, i mean irish people existed and were cheaper

>Maybe if yankee education wasn't brainwashing garbage jews could be questioned without being immediately dismissed/imprisoned

In what fucking world does ranting about the Jews land you in prison. You’re not a martyr, you’re laughed out of polite society because of your remedial understanding of basic American history.