Why are liberals such unhappy people? The whining, the virtue-signaling, all so tiresome

Why are liberals such unhappy people? The whining, the virtue-signaling, all so tiresome.

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because they're gay and do drugs

Omg what episode of The Sneedsons is this?

I bet you mean progressives.

they are progressives because they are unhappy and tend to be narcissists- they are not unhappy because they are progressives.

Why do conservatives like this movie so much?

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it’s the nihilists. they have a disdain for life and theyre completely apathetic. ive seen conservatives like that too tbh

its just seems that way because youre around them

veruca salt's pokies

It's an allegory for the Seven Deadly Sins.

Augustus = Gluttony
Veruca = Envy
Mike = Sloth

etc minus lust.

Charlie also sinned, but he atoned by eschewing greed and he was given the keys to his "father's" kingdom.

Asking the real questions here

But none of the other kids were given the chance to atone. Also why did Mike enjoy the consequences of his sins while none of the other kids did?

We are?


Were they unhappy because of liberalism, or did an unhappy life drive them to liberalism?

I'd be unhappy too, if my childhood was miserable, due to Bible thumping parents who are the worst of Conservatism.

Also, "Get over it" just makes many people more miserable. As if the human mind is a fucking computer disk that can delete memories it doesn't need or want.

Why do conservatives like to generalize?

Because it is a human thing to take a law of averages.
Besides, aren't liberals generalizing conservatism with bible thumping holy people?

You could ask why republicans are so dedicated to making lying propaganda threads all day and find your answer.

Mike sucked the D.

There's a lesson there.


>bible thumping holy people?
Please. The "left" is well aware that the bible thumping is a means to an end with conservatives. No illusions of them being holy whatsoever.

>As if the human mind is a fucking computer disk that can delete memories it doesn't need or want.
Well, it can, at least in the short term; but that's how folks end up with C-PTSD.

Why are you a hypocritical snowflake OP

Don’t post that stupid meme again poltard
It never was funny and it’s cringe af

You literally stood by and did nothing when the most narcissistic president in history ran this country 5 years ago
Your hypocrisy nourishes me

To be fair, I see plenty of miserable conservatives whining about this, that, or some other thing. They've got their own set of virtues they signal, and, frankly, it's *also* so tiresome.

IMO? Most people are miserable to some degree and it's easier to play the blame game than come up with solutions to personally fix your living situation.