/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General

Looooooong edition

Old thread: >Starter guides:
Google stable diffusion automatic webui (user guides are outdated)

>Krita Plug-ins


rentry.org/sdamd - Updated AMD guide


>Compute Platforms with free GPUs
- Colab
- PaperSpace

>Colab (HLKY)

>In-depth usage information
wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Stable_Diffusion - Any Forums Wiki with tips
github.com/Maks-s/sd-akashic - Stable Diffusion Akashic Records

>Tools &Resources
pharmapsychotic.com/tools.html - Big index
sgreens.notion.site/sgreens/4ca6f4e229e24da6845b6d49e6b08ae7 - Artist styles
lexica.art/ | krea.ai/ - Prompt sharing sites

replicate.com/methexis-inc/img2prompt - SD Interrogator

>SaaS sites
huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion - Free txt2img
huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest - Free img2img
beta.dreamstudio.ai - Free txt2img, New accounts get 200 generations
pornpen.ai - Free txt2img, NSFW focused
dezgo.com - Free txt2img
huggingface.co/naclbit/trinart_stable_diffusion - txt2img specializing in animu

/h/ /sdhb/: /vg/ /aids/: /mlp/ /ppp/: Official discord: discord.gg/stablediffusion
NSFW discord: discord.gg/2ZhBzDGf8u
Tech support Matrix: matrix.to/#/#info:conlaboro.xyz
Stability.ai updates: twitter.com/EMostaque

Attached: 1662461188703134.png (960x512, 856.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


lmao I added slave to make my generations more coomer like but it just made my generation look more like a negroid..

yo it sucks at making flags

Attached: 1639122013728.png (1024x512, 850.96K)

need proof for that
also lol'd

Attached: base.jpg (2304x2048, 2.26M)

what were you expecting from adding "slave"?

Reminder: you probably need much more steps for the image to converge than you think.
There's nothing wrong with using unconverged though.

Attached: 1662499479230020.webm (1920x1000, 2.54M)

>added slave to make my generations more coomer

Attached: 1633414211842.png (512x512, 342.25K)

Thats weird because flags are so simple
How many times are you going to post this webm

Can you do the same on Euler_a?

my first and second attempt grids. seems simple enough if you just repeat the mantra "busty slut yoda" enough times

thanks, i haven't used the other UIs in a while so I wasn't sure about their implementations but it's nice to know i'm not missing out on that by sticking with voldy. I tend to just rearrange prompts rather than mess around with the weightings often anyway. might be kind of nice to have an option that randomly sets the strength of every token to a value between 0.9 and 1.1 on every generation of a batch, so once you have a decent prompt you can generate a very large batch and have a bit more variance within the output set

Attached: grid-0131and132.png (2070x1024, 3.25M)

Thanks to for the keywords

anime girl, blue eyes, pink hair, blue maid dress, submissive, neck animal collar, serving a plate of chicken tenders | artstation by jesper ejsing, by rhads, makoto shinkai lois van baarle, ilya kuvshinov, rossdraws, highly detailed, digital concept art, sharp focus, illustration, cinematic lighting, by artgerm alphonse mucha

Attached: download.png (512x512, 363.38K)

For me, it's loincloths

Attached: 777.png (512x512, 272.16K)

Not mine. Do it yourself.

looking at the xth step of a 150 step generation is not the same as a x step generation with same settings

Any prompts to turn a person into chrome/liquid metal? It won't follow the instructions I tried so far.

Seed and settings?

animal instead of slave

Attached: first.png (552x520, 324.37K)

With slave instead of animal.. kek

Others are pretty much more blatant

Attached: first.png (560x516, 317.21K)

I'm fucking dead

Attached: 1633587933337.png (839x699, 929.57K)


haven't had time to set up my own shit yet

Please post:
- a picture with the head cut off
- prompt, seed and settings you used

any ideas on the prompts for these?

Are you the dude who jerks off to pictures of dismembered heads? Haven't you been fucking range banned yet?

Attached: 1641963096800.png (427x485, 323.88K)

No, I'm fucking trying the outpainting, you sick fuck.

Attached: 1655487356424.png (787x426, 508.12K)

>rentry.org/GUItard is outdated
what kind of world are you living in?
And no I'm not installing voldi-malware.

>- prompt, seed and settings you used

Fuck off, rat fuck.

please don't stop yodaposting

what about enslaved or serf?

>hand over the secret sauce

Attached: 1615387123154.png (512x512, 392.88K)

C o z y

Attached: keuler.jpg (2048x2304, 2.2M)

Is getting a K80 worth it or is kepler too old of a gen to do any of this recent ML/CUDA stuff?

can I explain it to him or do I get banned for doing that too?

why don't you go crying to the mods again, they'll kiss your boooboo's better and make everything alright

enslaved also yields negro head shapes

Attached: file.png (512x576, 352.06K)

You can get a warning just for asking.

I got jannied even for the explanation.

This is funny

Codeformer has what they call a "quality" setting you pass it on the command line, which in reality appears to be a "level of bullshit" setting

so I give it a grainy blurry old photo of me
the first larger pic on the far left is with quality "off" which means a setting of 1.0 on the command line (the numbers are reversed for some reason)
It's good, looks exactly like me, just a clean and unblurred fixup of the original shitty photo

Then the others are with "quality" at 0.7, 0.5, 0.3 and 0.0 respectively (0.0 is full strength)

You can see at each step it's trying to make me more handsome, putting on makeup and making my eyes prettier etc. lmao

And amusingly the default "quality" setting if you don't specify isn't 1.0 (off), it's 0.5. So I guess they figured people would prefer the AI to bullshit them a little

Attached: codeformer.jpg (4494x1065, 1.77M)

again, another instance of the negro head shaped due to "slave" or "enslaved"

Attached: file.png (512x576, 377.55K)

Looking to get KEKED?

I think you've misunderstood this webm, as per points out. E.g. 4 seconds into the 15 second clip (so ~40 steps) it's still mostly a blurry mess, and the final details aren't really done until 100-120 steps. Compare with the image I just made testing; at 40 steps the image is just barely perceptibly a little less crisp and finished than 150, nothing like the fuzzy mess at 40 in the webm. Feel free to run your own test and check.
The benefit of running at something like 20, 30, or 40 steps (the lower end of that in euler_a mainly) is that you can very quickly generate a grid of 9 or 16, get a good idea of the average effect of your most recent prompt change, tweak something else, get another grid of 9, etc. You can do this a dozen times pretty quickly, then generate higher step outputs for the seeds you want to use as final outputs.

Attached: stepseuler.png (1865x1629, 2.22M)

gotta ask
for specifics

I ran out of yodatits, cooking some up right now
>4000056822 woman with perfect closeup breasts and yoda head, green skin
>4102421078 female yoda with huge tits, naked, closeup_breasts
these are very technical terms, I don't expect you to understand
>probably DPM2 20-50 steps



Attached: 1655739764837.png (512x512, 499.4K)

what's denoising strength in img2img do? seems to have the largest effect

"Yoda with big tits, busty slut, Yoda with busty green cleavage, plunging neckline, slutty yoda, green breasts, Star Wars concept art by Frederic Edwin Church, Michael Garmash",3447342692,512,512,Euler a,10.5,30,1662536149826-1.png

who knows maybe it really was in the concept art as an alt design at some point

fuck had to delete the image, had a titty on it