I can't stand these things and the modern supermarkets

I can't stand these things and the modern supermarkets.
When you buy something like clothes or larger items they will remove the tags but if you buy a smaller items with anti theft stickers they never remove it.
I have stopped buying razors, small electronics, perfumes and shit in shops entirely because of this.
You will pay for the product and the stupid lowlife at the checkout won't remove these stickers, or sometimes sticker is on the inside of the packaging entirely so you don't even know it's there.
Walk out and the shit starts beeping, people look at me.
I don't care if the cashier is smiling and waving me trough, I wan't to fucking smash her skull in.
Is it everywhere like this or it's only Ireland that excels in this bullshit?
>inb4 who cares
I have social anxiety, it really gets to me

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If you know there's a tag on something, why don't you either remove it yourself or point it out? You're a dumbass.

Because I don't just go in to buy one item and then spend time inspecting it from all angles at the checkout?
Like if I have a full basket with stuff I'm not going to go over every item I have already paid for. There are people who are well paid to do it.

>if you buy a smaller items with anti theft stickers they never remove it.
"Hey, checkout drone, please don't forget to remove or deactivate the anti-theft tags on this stuff, OK? It irritates me when I have been shopping and what I bought sets off the alarm. Thanks!"

>just talk to the people
Yeah, that's not how it works for me.

Suck OP's Irish cock, you rectum

A beeping sound forcibly confines you to the store?
Just keep walking.

No you don’t talk to them you berate them and make demands big difference

quit being such a fuckup.

OP is an autist and is frightened by loud noises.

No, I just keep walking but I hate that people turn and look
I made a cashier cry one time and I don't go to that shop anymore. Should do it again I guess.

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>social anxiety
doesn’t fucking exist dipshit. it was invented by gloxosmithkline to sell paxil. you’re shy. grow the fuck up and get over it.

They're supposed to wave it over the deactivation pad. Sometimes it doesn't work. Stop being a bitch and just walk out.

Irish as well and have had this happen to me maybe 10 times over the course of my life in Ireland, it's really not that common. Have never seen security tags on razors either. Plus you could just not be brain dead and actually check what you buy

Yes it does you fucking imbecile. The fact that I can pull myself by the bootstraps to pretend being normal doesn't negate it. I don't eat meds either.
It upsets me, people might think I'm a thief.
It's tescos. Always and only tescos. Had this happen like 3 times in Currys too. Faggots not only had a removable tag on my monitor, they had another one in the box as well.

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Which part

>getting this angry over nothing
There's probably medicine for this

Then don't shop at Tesco dumbass, pretty clear solution. You're only gonna buy a few things at curry's you could easily check what you buy. Stop creating problems for yourself and actually do something, honestly the worst thing about Irish people. People just moan and never do shit to fix their problems

Listen, I'm very frustrated with this issue. Yes, I see the solution - only shop online.
Still it upsets me.
Worst is, the Gards would beat the shit out of me if I would beat the shit of the cashier. This also upsets me.
Life indeed is suffering

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Maybe don't? What's your response when people do that at your job to you? Just because you went to college or learned a trade doesn't mean you get to treat someone like dirt. Unless, of course, they fuck with your money somehow. And before you accuse me of anything stupid, no I don't think McFuckers should make $15 an hour, but don't be a dick for no reason.

You could go to Aldi, Lidl, Dunne's, literally any shop other than Tesco. Or just go to the same cashier every time if there's no other shops near you, that way they actually learn to take the tags off.

I gotchu fam. Retail worker here, I'll show you what to look for.