I work 2500 to 3000 hrs a year

I work 2500 to 3000 hrs a year

Medival peasants worked 1500 to 1600 hrs a year.

Tell me how capitalism has benefited us. A peasant even had a house and a horse and a wife and kids,

Attached: SmFjcXVlbGluZSBNYXJpZSBNZW5kb3ph.jpg (1401x1197, 354.05K)

I looked into it before. If given the same technological level peasants have a vastly superior living quality when compared to regular folk of now.

Would you rather work full time and make a full time wage, or work part time and be content with poverty?

Peasants worked enough to eat. The rest of their output went to the local nobleman.

shut up and go back to work. you fucking cuck.

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Only yeomen and small landowners would have owned houses and horses. Most serfs didn't own anything. They were entirely beholdant to their lord. I agree that things have gone too far these days with work intensity and the love of money, but let's get things straight at least...being an actual Medieval peasant would have sucked majorly. Life now is infinitely better, even if we're more stressed.

lol oh stop.
Quality of Food
Quality of Medicine

Go live in a mud hut somewhere, live like the peasants did, die by age 30.

What a unbelievably naive and disingenuous argument.

make white people peasants again

Fuck off Trump shill. S&P is still up across the 5-year span, including any time under Trump. The day Trump left office it was at an all time high of is presidency of 3,800. It is currently higher than that. I'd request you stop arguing in bad faith and using incomplete data to reshape reality but that's all MIGA faggots know how to do. Two more weeks, am i right?

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bro, you don't understand the stock market or economics, do you?

Projecting much?

>Tell me how capitalism has benefited us.
do you live in literal shit? no?

>Current number is higher than past number
>"bro, you don't understand the stock market"

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Go slave away in a field, have no running water or electricity, smell like shit constantly, have no doctors or medicine and tell me you want to switch you life with them. Go ahead fuck face.

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Make black people slaves again. Fucking retard.

shut up, gender studies graduates need to be compensated

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I said the same technological level. Did you even read?

>The incel neet can't understand why today is vastly superior

>same technological level
>technology provided by capitalism
>Thanks capitalism, now that we're here, I'm breaking up with you.
>what do you mean all the technology fails almost immediately?
>what do you mean people won't fix it for free?
>what do you mean I can't get the newest Iphone anymore
>why won't people donate their time, effort, knowledge so that I can continue to live comfortably
>muh socialism

Nah bro don’t you know the manor lord provides those things out of the kindness of his heart and also hooks his serfs up with free qt3.14 wives for free. It’s all about trusting and loving your local strongman

Thats like the dayjob kinda work they did.
Then there was also maintainance at their house, preserving food for the cold seasons, crafting clothes and other goods they needed, etc. All in all they come up at least the same if not more

I read one line of that and already know youre a condescending cunt who doesnt understand the concept of a hypothetical situation. Im not reading that.

>I won't read that because my fee fees were hurt and I can't come up with logical counter-points so I'll pigeon this argument like a coward.

Fixed it for you.

But thank you for the content - It's hilarious seeing my successful friends and family recoil in horror that THIS is what kids these days actually think.

Manorlord is a Chad.

Think what? That youre a condescending cunt?
Recoiling in horror over that is a bit dramatic but I would want to get away from you too.

Yeah because they couldn't work during the winter, retard. What do you think most paesants did? They farmed. They'd also work 3000x harder in those 1500 hours then you do sitting in your chair, faggot. Imagine being this dumb?

Show me on the doll where the bad internet man touched you.

And yet - none of the points I made were addressed because you are an intellectual coward.

>capitalism is when humans wipe their ass

people can make all the excuses they want to for the capitalist system but they can't explain why peasants only worked 1500 hours a year and pounded sweet horsepussy each day

Cant answer what you dont read. You know why it wasnt read too and I was spot on.
Now are you going to answer MY question or do you want to keep pretending to be retarded?

its a pretty limp dick move to pretend that you can't/won't/didn't read someones post at the same time that you're bothering to respond to it.
Especially when your response boils down to acting like they are posting in bad faith.