I possess a talent that usually makes other people jealous

Usually I lay low, and don't tell people about my interests because i'm monk like that. Whenever I did show a friend my art, their demeanor would change and would start acting obviously jealous and would start giving off negative energy. So to counter this, I don't talk about my interests, therefor people find me uninteresting because I hold back. But if I do show them, then the vibe changes.

I'm starting work at a new job in a week, how do I go about opening up to people?

I try not to be narcissistic for the record, but my content usually blows peoples mind or they don't know what to think. And i don't know how to cope.

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They're simply not feeding your ego, talented people with ego are shit. You need to be humble, user, even if you're the best one and people shove awards up your ass you have to say "Oh guys thank you so much this is so unexpected, oh my god i'm so happy" and fake a smile then go home and count your fortune while having wine like the sociopath you are. Heh.

This is good advice,

but uhh.. like, if someone asks what I do, is it even worth mentioning? I make abstract-ish art but I also have a business plan to go along with it, right? and i have pictures of the art on my phone.

It's not like music where you can just blast your music and encapsulate another person in your vibe. It's a little more shy, they look at it, think whatever they think, and hand me back my phone.

What's a good work around. In a way, it kind of effects my dsex life because I'm on a strict no-talking about it policy. But at the same time, I wouldn't mind some recognition from the ladies, who do find me attractive, but can't put their finger on why I'm so weird, because it's so left field, and eventually put me into a box... a "he's kind of odd" box

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Last week I was talking to a friend and i've told him the same i'll told ya. There is two kind of artists on this planet, the ones who loves applause and the ones who loves art, which one are you? If you love applause and recognition then you'll probably be frustrated for not getting the attention you think you deserve, if you love art then fuck it if people like it or not you just do it because you like it.

So which one? Nope, you can't be both because those who do it simply because they love it will never chase recognition and if they get it for some reason they'll probably run away from it.

You're delusional.

I'd be lying if I saidI didn't want recognition. Everybody wants to be recognized to a degree.

My problem is, I'm so down bad financially, emotionally... that I'm pouring all of my energy into this thing, which I do believe will create a ripple. This is the main reason I'm trying to turn it into a brand, and not so much about me as an artist. I've done a lot of LSD, lost my mind, and at this point have gone full blown globohomo to a degree, it's kind of all or nothing for me. And that discomfort and passion only improves the product I'm trying to push, energetically.

Everyone is

I'm kinda gnostic, but the demiurge is strong in me

>Everybody wants to be recognized to a degree.

Do you know why most of the celebrities out there starts their careers at young age? When they're 15, 16? Because recognition and fame and money are teenage dreams, when you face reality the thing is completely the opposite and the people who will get real money out of those artists knows that very well, when what you love becomes your job it loses it's meaning and become something else. You once were expressing yourself and now what? Anyway, do as the entire rest of artists out there, get a job where you can earn your living from it and do what you love as hobby and show it to people that really matters and not to strangers that should mean shit to ya.

That's the thing, I'm facing reality right now and it sucks because I can't be myself; while on the other hand, having a hyper-inflated ego must also suck.

I guess my best bet is to just lay low and do my work in my private time, like you said, showing it to others wouldn't mean shit anyways, and would probably lead to self-satisfaction anyways

My father was an extremely well known and respected artist in my country before he passed. He won very prestigious prizes, had many exhibitions and has his work is represented in private and public collections of great renown. And for all that I never heard him talk about his paintings as highly as you seem to talk about your content. "Blows peoples minds", what tripe, you need to humble yourself and discuss things you enjoy with others that share similar interests. Do not try to use art to seem interesting or get women, do it because you actually like to create, or because people will pay you for it


This user is correct
My father lost all passion for art toward the end of his life. Having to constantly put up with art dealers and so on drains a person. He did state to me he wish he had gone into something else, mind you he was actually successful as an artist. Miss him a lot.

Pics or it didn't happen.

this is an anonymous imageboard, user.

Emphasis on the image part. Post the supposedly amazeballs artwork.

emphasis on anonymous. Believe it or not idgaf about you

K, then I call bullshit. You're obviously a liar and your artwork is so bad that people are embarrassed about you. That's where the negativity comes from. They thought well about you but after seeing the absolute fucking brain damaged trainwreck that is your supposed art, they lost all respect for you. Hence the negativity. The joke of all this is that you think it's jealously, but in reality it's well deserved scorn. And since you won't post any evidence to the contrary, there isn't a single reason to think it's any different than that.

ooo unleash your wrath!

Jokes on you, those thoughts have already occurred to me. A lot of my work is archived, but the select few that I do show are cohesive, so it's kind of a mixed bag and it really is either/or.

The reason I don't want to post is because i already have my work posted online on other platforms, and I'm asking this embarrassing ass personal question. And it would effect the brand.

What I'm trying to do is separate myself from the art and turn the art style itself into a brand on it's own, separate from me. kinda like the Memphis Design Group, or Material Design by Google. Not saying I'm at par with them, just that that is similar to what I'm trying to achieve..

You need to go back. You don't belong here.

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Regular people don't understand jealousy.
They just have it large reservoirs of it when they need it.

Highly skilled people are everywhere. You must hide in the normal populace. You must give parts of yourself to those who can handle that part.

Consider yourself like a rainbow [unspecified sexuality]. Some people can handle red, some can handle green, a few can handle red AND green.

But when you find the person who can handle your full spectrum, you'll feel different with them.

I married the one I found. Her 'rainbow' goes beyond mine, and mine beyond hers. Lol. Its freaking awesome to have high level skills nearby that have nothing to do with me. And I can trust her to execute to high levels of competency.

Highly recommend fractured presentation to the muggles in your life.

Attached: muggles-1.jpg (400x330, 22.42K)

>Highly recommend fractured presentation to the muggles in your life.

fucking hobgoblin.