Vids of pedos getting rekt

anyone have some good clips/vids of pedos getting absolutely rekt?

OC appreciated, but i'll take the classics like gary plauche

Attached: cartelbro.jpg (640x800, 21.16K)

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that's not a real thing

should clarify by "OC" i mean the clips of pedos getting rekt that aren't super popular, like the aforementioned Gary Plauche killing the fag who molested his son.


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ty user

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you're welcome

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Attached: toddler.webm (1280x720, 951.37K)


technically this is correct
pedos = kids
pedophiles = people who like kids

no, but there are tons of videos where rich pedos have a great rich people life and no one cares about the rest. Shit, sure, but that's the world eh.

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Jealous of the cunnisseurs?

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too bad they do the same to everyone else...please spare me this religious bulshit (no matter which.

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the first part is your delusions
they kill bad rapist pedos and leave the good ones
they don’t call non rape stuff rape just because of the law(aka statutory)

Posts a pic. SMH.

My theory is that right wing chuds hate MAPs because they need to hate someone, and MAPs are the only socially acceptable target at this point. Chuds no longer have blacks, women, gays, and trans people as an outlet for their hate and violence and it has to go to somewhere

would've posted webm but connection is shit and i cant be assed to compress the actual video

not my fault the jannies just had to place in a file size limit

I don't hate niggers, fags, or trannies. I'm not a right wing chud either. I'm a morally upstanding human being, who lives a normal life, and understands the blatant truth that the only cure for pedophilia comes in a shotgun shell.

best post in thread so far topkek, gold star user

Attached: applebees.png (1015x677, 1.13M)

>uses a string of hateful and racist slurs
>Im not a right wing chud

top kek sure Jan, sure

hey im a cocksucking troon i can say at least 2 of those, check your privilege libshit