Did you believe all the Democrat propaganda about COVID-19?

Did you believe all the Democrat propaganda about COVID-19?

Why are Democrats suddenly quiet about MonkeyPox when there's a Democrat as President?

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i love how joe biden magically made the coronavirus pandemic disappear

unless you're fucking guys up the ass you're not really at risk
so we've all got nothing to worry about, right OP?

Look at international news from different countries and see if they are consistent with who, what, and how American news deliver their information. In this case, COVID and monekypox information. Then you'll realize which political side provides information closer to the rest of the world.

wtf the demoncrats have infiltrated the institutions of every country in the world!

Around half of all scientists, doctors, and disease experts are Republicans. But even 90% of them agreed on the basic stuff that you think is propaganda.

There was a virus. It was contagious. It was passed through breath moisture in the air or touching someone's spit moisture then rubbing your eye etc. The officially promoted vaccine type did really reduce the impacts if you got infected... meaning flu type hassle for a week instead of ICU with a tube down your throat. And yes with even the best vaccines, it messed up some people. Same as polio and all the other vaccines everyone normally takes.

it wasn't Democrat propaganda. You sound like a flat earther.

Embarrassingly, that'll be OPs conclusion.

This makes sense if you ignore the fact that most western countries are infested with the same fascism parading as Marxism ideology the democrats are.
The world economic forum exists, and publicly brags about infiltrating western governments.
in Canada every official government debate/statement is preceded by 40-80 minutes of apologizing for racism and sexism and transism.
The american democrats are not the source, they are just another cog in a incoherent wheel.

liberals control the news and social media

they control all information and censor anything they want


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okay well that's the west, now do the rest of the world

covid is over already silly faggot

This makes sense if you ignore the fact that it's not just the western countries. Why don't you look into the rest of the countries?

almost no one under 60 who wasnt obese died of covid.
No research actually supports the usefulness of the vaccines given. Not to mention deploying a vaccine in the middle of the virus spreading is literally the worst thing you can do, and promotes mutation.
Comparing covid to polio is like comparing a mosquito bite to a point blank gunshot wound from a 12ga slug.

And it didnt just mess some people, it messed ALOT of people up, who had no reason to be vaccinated in the first place. Under 50? not obese? literally no good reason at all, let alone children.

Shutting down the world, printing money like crazy, removing very important rights, all over either outright lies, or half trues inflated to unbelievable proportions happened, its nothing like flat earth.

smooth brain.

ya, that zimbabwe news is super impactful.

Australia's Sky News is pretty damned based

40% of the adults in America are obese. What country in the world could continue to function if 40% of its adults died or were incapacitated. Even if you didn't die of COVID but were sick enough to need oxygen, which many who were not obese were then you are taking up a hospital bed that couldn't be used for someone having a heart attack or injured in a car accident. There are 2.4 hospital beds per 1000 people in the US. The hospitals would have been overwhelmed

>202 KB
>Anonymous 08/28/22(Sun)22:45:59 No.8847024
can you stop being retarded Ivan?

>yikes ivan

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Brit here, I completely ignore politics and have done my whole life, anybody who doesn't do the same is a retarded sheep, baaaaa.

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COVID is just a flu strain and no one gives a fuck about it anymore... monkey pox is far worse and far more contagious... who's president is irrelevant.