Why are they trying so hard to turn desktop UI into mobile?

Why are they trying so hard to turn desktop UI into mobile?

Attached: 1662477524700.jpg (777x456, 104.87K)

Because they don't use their own DE, they use MacOS. They literally do not care what it feels like to use, only how it looks in screenshots.

the new UI looks and functions better, what is the problem?

Not even once

GNOME is dead
taking the suicidal Windows 8 route
good luck GNOME
you won't be missed
KDE will finally take over 100% of Linux desktops

Idk but I wish Valve would switch to gnome on the steam deck.


I'm serious, they're obsessed with turning things into its complete opposite.

man -> woman
woman -> man
desktop -> mobile

There's a reason gnome devs are 98% trannies and has shifted to a mobile design despite being a desktop DE.

I want to like GNOME because it's the most polished and consistent looking DE but it's so fucking disgusting and retarded I can't

Because mobile perfected the ui


Attached: 1662478168323.gif (352x288, 1.23M)

>no one
>not a single soul
>gnome devs: adds a new sleek desktop look
>Any Forumstards: *autistic screeching*

Why are you making a youtube comment?

there is no middle ground for mobile ui. you either have giant retard friendly buttons for people with fat fuck sausage fingers or you have everything being super tiny because it assumes you're on a phone not on a monitor/tv.

>increases information density
>gets flamed for it
if you dont like this change then dont update, simple as

that looks like retarded fucking dogshit though, i liked the old menu

>information destiny xe said after looking at a screenshot of phone ui with large terrible paddings

Zoomers have grown up just using phone and tablet UIs.

Attached: 1607649229602.png (1200x1200, 7.59K)

never said it was good, its just better than it was (similar space with half the information)

I rike it

>Why are they trying so hard to turn desktop UI into mobile?
Mobile devices make up the preponderance of hardware, and mobile developers make up the preponderance of developers. The market is mobile, for better or worse. Someone is likely thinking it makes sense to follow the market, even if it doesn't actually make much sense.

I 100% do not actually know the answer to this question, but I assume if you were to take a current UI design course/bootcamp, desktop UI design might be a partial lesson or even just an implicit assumption, while the majority of the course is focused on mobile design. Mobile is just so much bigger than desktop in terms of consumer/end-user experiences, I wouldn't be shocked at all to find out that they weren't even teaching desktop UI design concepts anymore.

>Why are they trying so hard to turn desktop UI into mobile?
Why did it take you this long to realize?
Just use KDE.

>muh desktop icons bad
loonix is trully a meme at this point