Richard Stallman Announces GNU C Language Reference Manual

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Other urls found in this thread: sum recursive function

Nice, we'll see what the fat fuck comes up with

Doesn't this already exist?

GNU documentation suck
too verbose and not professional
t. hardcore Emacs user

>3 days ago
>Richard Stallman
nice larp, GNU documentation is the best out there
I WISH other projects had the level of documentation GNU projects have. every language implemented by GNU comes with a complete manual describing the entire language plus it's easily available and searchable via emacs and web

but they don't have a site with fancy navigations and such :(

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how to read texi files? wtf is this?

>return type on its own line
>space before parameter list
>two-space indents
>curly braces omitted
>inefficient recursion to boot
>aimed at a mathematical audience
>could be translated to idiomatic Lisp line-by-line
Classic GNU, brings a tear to my eye

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with the web browser, a pdf viewer, an info program or emacs, or just print it out fagget

git clone
cd c-intro-and-ref
pdftex c.texi

then you open the c.pdf

It takes until chapter 2 to show a runnable program and until 2.4 to explain what a compiler is btw

Attached: calling all beginners.png (529x106, 21.9K)

PDF file:

Does Stallman even program anything nowadays?

He has like one commit in Emacs per year

stallman has probably never programmed in ansi c he made gcc before it was standarized

I know, right? They should have it on the cover of the book tatooed on the ass of some furry faggot mascot.

>GNU plus C

the first complete program is shown on the 10th page and the gcc invocation on the 12th page
>My favorite programming languages are Lisp and C. However, since around 1992 I have worked mainly on free software activism, which means I am too busy to do much programming. Around 2008 I stopped doing programming projects. As a result, I have not had time or occasion to learn newer languages such as Perl, Python, PHP or Ruby.

Can I learn C using this or the C book by Dennis Ritchie is better?

tl; dr It's free.

Why not use all three?

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i got roasted today in my classroom. i make games with opengl and glut and i can't do a fucking gauss sum recursive function. why? i have never used recursion besides theoretical
im 18

>got roasted
For being a dummy who can't even fucking internet. sum recursive function

>im 18
it's over, you will never make it, you should better apply to mcdonalds now.

nigga you know what he told me to write?
int gauss(int n) {
if (n == 1 ) return 1;
else return gauss(n-1)+n;

im 100% sure this is wrong.
he told me using recursion is better.
i told him to open up my website and play the wasm game i made with 0 fucking recursion.
it is good for maze generating though, or nice branch visualization.
tell me
how can a man with more than 5 languages gigachad like me can't do this simple problem. i don't know what the fuck gauss sum is. i used it once in 5th grade and sparsely later. i know the formula but not which type of 'array' it works on. (i used array coz i dont know what the englishmen call 1+2+3+....+100)
i am serbian

I like the way Stallman explains things. You can tell he puts a focus on being as clear as possible, and precise with words. So I'd go with his manual.