Welcome to a Any Forums risk game!
This weekend we'll play an European map.

How to play?
You have an option to expand your nation by rolling. You roll by stating your order, and i will look at last digits of your post, and use that as a roll. Roll values are presented on the image.

How to join?
Pick a nation name, a starting location and a color. You will be given 3 territories as a start and you will be allowed to roll next round!
Make sure to include your nation name in your Name field so i can know who is rolling. Will otherwise be ignored.


-You can roll once per turn
-No re-rolls (Be absolutely specific when you roll. Vague posts won't be taken as rolls)
-When allied with another player, you cannot use their territory to extend yours.
-If you wish to cede land to your ally, you can only cede land that your ally borders (No teleporting cedes).

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Join the official risk/conqst discord server, where you can find more games like these:
discord ( dot ) gg ( slash ) Jwu5QwCqgD

Attached: 0.png (2368x1739, 251.68K)


Start with Northumberland, Cumbria, and Dumfries/Scottish Border territories



boo hoo nobody cares about your scamming community.

Y'all getting money?

Make risk great again

bump bois

Finnish Marine Force

Risk is BACK

thank you sir

1 more playa and we start

you should probably start, more will come as the thread continue.

Lets get this ball slowly rolling
First round, go!

Attached: 01.png (2368x1739, 255.35K)

I will expand to take Iberia.

Expand to take southern Scotland, if spill then expand to Manchester as well

wheres the scottish nigga

ill take germany

Next round go

Attached: 2.png (2368x1739, 257.26K)

Get the Spaniards.

ill expand to north germany for my next round

Conquer the Glasgow city territory, then use remaining rolls to head down England towards Manchester (and beyond)

Include your nation name in your name field please

This isn't a reroll or anything, just me raging at being cursed

(Oh, btw how do I go to Northern Ireland?)

Its close enough to scotland that it didnt need any sea lines, so you can already cross it as is

i take 'the German Reich'

Attached: 3.png (2368x1739, 258.66K)

Hey OP. I am retarded.

But I guess i'd need to play to understand. Can I please choose a dark forrest green and can I please get Cyprus, Portugal and Armenia. My nation's name is Garfield.

Is this what I was supposed to do? Also, what's a palindrome, isn't that for words only, like niggers and sreggin?

I think lisbon would be nice. Never been there though. Armenia just seems pretty. Rolling for montenegro though, kick all the niggers out.

Make sure this nigga never gets Portugal.

Take Belfast and then use spill to head down NW England

Its very simple. You choose 1 starting location (For example, Cyprus is fine). And then you claim expansions like everybody else. Palindrome is a word/number (in this case number) that reads the same from the front and back (for example, 747 is a palindrome number)

ill expand to denmark and tranport all the jews in that area

was this a roll?

Okay, thank you. Can I please get Armenia or Cyprus. You can choose.

>was this a roll?