Whats ur religion Any Forums if ur atheist whats ur parents religion?

Whats ur religion Any Forums if ur atheist whats ur parents religion?

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La cristiano

I'm a LaVeyan Satanist.
Parents were "Christians"

>atheist whats ur parents religion?

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Don't type like a nigger. Fucking kill yourself.

This. Kys op.

Parents - Non practicing Roman Catholics.
Me - very non practicing Roman Catholic.

My mom is some sort of christian. My dad is jewish. I'm neither and have been for around 25 years, what broke me of it was actually reading the originating texts. I mean, jesus christ, there's actually a fucking talking donkey in the fucking old testament.


So you are claiming Roman catholic just so you can be in the tribe, even though you know it's all just bullshit?

What's the point? Why not be honest and say no religion?

Because I am Roman Catholic. Claiming no religion or athiest for me is taking a stance. I simply don't practice. My children have not been baptized so they can say no religion and decide for themselves.

I was born in Quebec Canada at a time when the catholic church dominated at probably 90%. My true birth certificate was registered and archived on the diocese paper. Only years later did the govt collect all those records. Hard to disclaim being Catholic.

mom: Roman Catholic
dad: non-practicing Presbyterian

whole family was anglican but we all stopped practicing yeaars ago

feel like religion has stopped being important where i live, churches are being removed and nobody really talks about that stuff anymore

most of next generation will probably have no religion at all, but i agree with i guess my family is still technically anglican but not really


I'm not some faggot fedora neckbeard hardcore angsthiest who flips at the mere mention of a god, nor do I take any kind of holy scripture seriously but I'm not going to denounce it just "because i haven't seen proof"

I've seen first hand how believing can help people whether it's real or not

Parents have christian values but neither of them go to church, read the bible or pray

I don't consider myself atheist, nor religious. My parent were Catholic.
I truly do believe there is a God like entity that is some sum of all matter in the Universe, but this being is not really having set specific rules as the Bible, or ten commandments list.

I do believe there is a sort of morality to our state of mind, and the reasoning behind what we do. If you're as peace with yourself, and doing things for a noble cause, I truly believe you're doing it right.
I also believe that when we die, our consciousness (our self awareness transcends as another form of us within a different dimension. Essentially it is ourselves that transcend to be our own guardian angel (like being) watching over our entire life over again. IT is you, who knows you all too well, because nobody knows you better than you. This guardian angel is you having lived, knowing everything watching to again analyze all of the pain you've caused, and again to endure everything that is you. Why? Because it is your and wants to transcend even higher into the hierarchy that leads to God.

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>I've seen first hand how believing can help people
I've seen first hand how believing in one tribe can lead to bigotry and oppression of others

It's gangland stuff in some communities, made even worse because... it's not real. It's the most flimsy of childish pretences to divide humanity

Everything you believe, you designed not because you believe it, but so that you could benefit the most without having to do or give anything back.

Your belief system is literally arranged according to your own narccicism and convienence.

I’m not really religious, nor do I really label my beliefs. If you were to force me to, I’d probably call myself a Deist. I think there’s things out there that we can’t explain, and those things point to what could be called a higher intelligence. Now that being said, this higher being certainly isn’t anything pushed by one of the many competing religions.

>Your belief system is literally arranged according to your own narccicism and convienence.

Yes, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. There are consequences to everything we do, feel and bare witness to. Everything we do has consequences much of what we're probably not aware of, and yes there has to be a higher version of yourself to bare witness to the repercussions.

I know this sounds crazy, but I truly do believe there is another dimensional version of me watching over me. It (me) wants me to have a certain kind of mindset.
