My doctor prescribed me adderall. This shit fucks your brain up permanently?

My doctor prescribed me adderall. This shit fucks your brain up permanently?

Anyone on here who has used it long term?

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I used Ritalin for while in middle school

made me depressed after a while, but never made me crazy or anything like that. i had fun with it and made a bunch of money

After a while you begin to need it just to function or not feel depressed. It's hard to get off of.


I been on it for years and I am not crazy. Take breaks like I take a week off a month or so. Also don't sleep for 3 hours and do shit during the day and decide to take them at night to get some gaming in. Makes you do I know currently going through it ugh

Take breakes
Better effect and no addiction

It belongs to the same family as methamphetamine, take the doses your doctor ordered and if you think you are becoming chemecally dependant (i.e start feeling sick after only missing one dose) stop, some doctors may try to get you addicted on purpose, rare as it is.

used adderal as a kid and lost like 20 pounds in 2 months, switched to vyvanse and got permanent circulatory issues. wouldnt recommend using stimulants for adhd.

It is almost meth. But loads of people take it every day.

Most people I know on it, abuse it. The ones that don’t go from severely depressed and angry, to a bit more talkative. The ones prescribed it from childhood swear it ruined their brain, Blake the doctors and parents.

I did not start taking Adderall until later in life. I find that it helps me regulate my thoughts and stay focused. I do have memory problems however I find my short term is enhanced while I'm on the drug.

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if you dont have adhd adderall makes you feel like a fucking superhero. if you do have adhd they just make you lame.

The generation that grew up on adderall will all have grabbers by the time they're 45.

>lost like 20 pounds in 2 months
sounds good to me

Consoom your dribble pills, it's the modern day lobotomy

what should I expect if I get to have few in hand

Oh boy here comes the UPS package deliverer to tell us all about how modern medicine works!

same here

you'll get addicted. you'll abuse them. youll wake up 3 days later realizing you wasted them doing pointless tasks that seemed like a good idea at the time but did nothing. people will notice you act different, they'll quickly catch on to your addiction. you'll feel suicide when you run out, although after you sleep for 18 hours you might feel better. it is poison. everyone i know who has takes them does this, and ive heard the same stories from everyone who ever has. it is slow releasing meth. all amphetamines enter your brain in the same form (dextro or levo). throw is in a lake now.


oh and youll also never get a real job because employers know any adult who takes these drugs do this. they'll heavily monitor you and once you take that sweet blissful day-long nap they'll tell you not to bother coming the next day. enjoy OP.