Be white house

>be white house
>forcefully shutdown business due to natural disasters
>force loans (PPP Loans) on them to survive
>Ask for these business to payback these forced loans
>Businesses complain
>You forgive them
Why are leftists stupid? How can you compare PPP loand to student loans?

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They can't but you should take your shit to Any Forums

>that GESTAPO gobmint put a gun to their head to make them sign those loans!!!!!
>being so mentally ill you think your exaggeration will convince others

Attached: 1633425928861.jpg (480x360, 23.39K)

yes forcing citizens to pay back loans given under false pretenses is immoral and they should be forgiven. Glad you agree with the leftists.

Take your politics shit to Facebook you fucking nerd

>tfw the government literally FORCES you to take an oddly generous (you coincidentally happen to be a member of congress) loan of hundreds of thousands of dollars for your car dealership famous for selling defective cars despite being a multimillionaire then use your power in congress to attempt to obstruct the passing of PPP transparency bill to stop taxpayers seeing where their money went and then the government forgives the loan :(

PPP loans were marked as forgivable from day one, as long as they met certain requirements. School loans are not.

school loans have been forgivable since the dawn of their inception. people have had student loans forgiven even before all of this. did you know that all loans are forgivable you fuckin retard? You've obviously never heard of bankruptcy...

The White House didn't shut anything down. Shutdowns were done by the states.
Business owners weren't required to take PPP loans.

PPP loans werent for businesses to survive. They were for employees to continue being paid. Also the retardation in your logic is simply

>businesses complain
>you forgive them
>these things are different!!!

they're not, both complained and both got forgiven, thats the point.

Student loans are almost never discharged in bankruptcy.

i know they aren't but they're also very commonly forgiven even before this situation.

>very commonly forgiven
No, they're really not.

>forcefully shutdown business due to natural disasters
>force loans (PPP Loans) on them to survive
The whole point here is that that their businesses didn't need to. They were just stealing from taxpayers.

>school loans have been forgivable since the dawn of their inception
>You've obviously never heard of bankruptcy...
>Student loans are almost never discharged in bankruptcy.
>i know they aren't
Could you flop any harder?

>No, you see, THEIR gibs are based and chad while YOUR gibs are cringe and doodoo.
I do agree though user, accepting loans in the hundreds of thousands while knowing for certain they'll be forgiven is indeed very different from having 10k forgiven from a loan you expected to have to pay off for a significant part of your life.

In fact, if they needed those loans or not is irrelevant. They felt they needed those loans, knew they would be forgiven, and got free money.
Most students also feel they need loans, and got them assuming they had to pay all of it themselves for years to come. And while 10k helps a fuckton, it's for most just a part of the loan and not the whole amount.
So the students had no guarantees from the start, no expectation of debt forgiveness and no negotiation position to do some creative bookkeeping and getting hundreds of thousands instead of just 10k. So regardless of if those politicians and celebs needed those loans or not, they are the ones who were always gonna get more than they actually deserve.

>>that GESTAPO gobmint put a gun to their head to make them sign those loans!!!!!
They literally did. Where you asleep in 2020?

>Shutdowns were done by the states.
Nope. The white house pretty much shut down the country. You leftoids even raged when Trump did it.

>politicians act only in accordance to their own interests
How is this a surprise to ANYONE? Seriously?

Nope. PPP loans were forced on businesses. You literally couldn't run your business during the pandemic. Student loans are a different matter. They are a choice

>The white house pretty much shut down the country.
Of course you don't have a link. It was done at the state or county level.

Are you retarded? Did you even read the post? Do you know what PPP is?

You know lefties literally cannot understand the concept of individual choice right?

Their world view is perpetual victim mentality where literally no-one has any self-agency
read from march 13 onwards.

>Be bank
>Lie to high school students and tell them that if they want to make money, they need a college degree.
>Give out predatory loans to students who are literally children and don't know any better.

Who cares. It doesnt mean what i said is untrue.

When has a bank EVER forced anyone to go to college to study gender and feminism?

>Who cares. It doesnt mean what i said is untrue.
it literally does. It matters a lot actually. Read up on PPP you low IQ faggot.

hell yeah brother, too many dang librels learning markism in their gender rassignment degrees when they should be out there hustling i tell you hwat

The only two courses that people take. Damn libruls, always goin to dem universetees wit der "computeerrr scienxes" wit der genders and idoctrinaaashun. Jus walk up to dem boss man an say "Im gud wit dem dere computsies. Naw gimme a desk and mah 401k" and hell be mighty impressd and gives ya a house in dem suburbs with a whife, a dawg and sum keeds.