Oh wow

Oh wow.

Attached: D01EFA9D-C41A-40F6-98C1-2240D4693101.jpg (750x710, 241.42K)


Oh wow

Oh wow

0h w0w

Wow oh.

Oh wow.

Ho wow

Ow meow

Oh wow

oh wow.

ow wow

bow wow?

Oh wow

no dummy. electronic signatures only require the person is in live contact with a witness. either via email, live chat or phone. no document is transmitted online. there is a separate website that the e-signature is done and it communicates with a master server to verify that the person clicked on the signature field and is witnessed by a certified individual.


Attached: 1630477064579.gif (900x598, 1.59M)

Oh wow.

excuse me did you forget something??!?

eating and all

excuse you. OP claims that a copy of the document is floating online because the judge signed it electronically. he has to create a login to an e-signature website to see and sign the document. that server is most likely working thru VPN. nothing public.

fucking morons cant read or comprehend. no wonder trumptards think he didnt commit any crime by bringing home top secret documents.

also, that pic claims to be from a lawyer? but is obviously someone who doesnt know how e-signatures work. LOL.

you were just supposed to say oh wow asshole.

Oh, wow.