Name one single thing wrong with it

Attached: Void_Linux_logo.svg_-4068023539.png (1242x1024, 61.96K)



Nobody cares about your low IQ distro wars fuck off

Ugly logo

Install with FDE on UEFI and luks2. That's what's wrong with it.

That setup works for me, using it right now

>lackluster repos
>not mainstream for heavy support, unlike Ubuntu or Arch
>politics (debian is guilty of this bullshit too), unlike Arch or Artix which remain apolitical

If you have autism about PID1, first off, don't slander systemd (you should actually have legitimate reasons to prefer other inits). Second off, you'll probably be better with Devuan or Artix (which I'm sure probably have their own catalogue of issues).

Devuan needs 2gb of ram Void runs on my 512mb dell

void is comfy
please, talk bad about void here so we can keep Any Forums drama away of it.

It'd be nice if there was more software in the default repos, but xbps-src and Flatpak pretty much take care of that. Been my daily driver for about 5 years now.

it doesn't use all free software or guix as the package manager

it's a top 5 distro anyway

>it doesn't use all free software
That's up to you, but unless you enable the non-free repos it's all free software
>or guix as the package manager
Nothing stopping you from installing Guix

Best distro.
Fuck niggers & trannies, though.

>glibc 2.32
>gcc 10
>llvm 12
>no choice of other init
>no one is merging pr to runit
>one of the main maintainer is a tranny

The void logo looks sweet on neofetch.

No heckin updooterinos in the last 18 seconds? Oh no!

We are talking about core packages. Even ubuntu lts have more recent versions of them. Person that was capable of doing complex packages like those left the team. They have been trying to update those packages for more than a year.

I don't understand it. Can it game?

ill look into it i refuse to even entertain distros that support or have an option for systemd and this is one candidate artix/devuan are a bit of a cope cause its just a spin off of a systemd centric shitware

Yes. I can play every game in my Steam library with Proton on Void and an nvidya card.
With that said, I went from 7 hosts and numerous VMs running Void to only my desktop (gaming) and laptop still running Void. Everything else I migrated to FreeBSD which has more up to date packages and has been rock solid for me.