What started the race wars?

What started the race wars?

First whites against blacks
blacks rise up
A status quo is reached for a bit
MLK comes around and pushes for true equality rather than the status quo.
Some fucker kills MLK.
Eventually blacks surpass whites with pressure and guilt-tripping
Asian hate springs up, something whites are guilty of so it works there too.

Now we're hitting the point of White vs Asian in the racial dominance war.

If I missed anything feel free to call me a dumbass, then correct me.

If you call me a dumbass with nothing to add then I perform a Schrodinger's Cry

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dumbass yellow brown black red white there are more pieces on the board.

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I’d start with blacks against blacks. The first example of chattel slavery in the colonies, in my opinion, was of a black freed slave who went to the courts and argued that he should be allowed to own his black slaves in chattel slavery. He asserted that it was their cultural practice and making it illegal infringed on their beliefs. He won, which makes sense when you consider that the colonies were formed in large by people who were attempting to escape cultural and religious persecution (I suppose I don’t actually know what percentage, but it’s clear that was instrumental in the nation’s founding). That gave way to white appropriation of chattel slavery.

Hmm... this is a tough one. What could white people have done? Hmm... It's on the tip of my tongue. I want to say it ryhms with... avery?

jews aren't white you dumb tranny

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I'll take the taking of an enemy and forcing them to work for you, which every single people on the planet has done at some point in history for $500 Alec.

Oh shit I just remembered. Bravery. White people should a lot of bravery saving these poor souls from Africa.

Gosh *smacks forehead* I'm a such an airhead sometimes.

>White people should a lot of bravery saving these poor souls from Africa.
You know, moving the goal posts and then continuing to make the same claim, doesn't make it more convincing.

We're not playing football?

Correct, we're not and when someone goes "you're wrong on attributing slavery to white people, every people has kept slaves" and you reply "well they had slaves and I think it's worse when they do it", that isn't a refutation.

What? That's not what said. The posts are right up there.

I didn't even mention slavery.

Don't play cute.
You were alluding to it by saying it rhymed with avery. Then you made a bad joke about people being brave for "saving" poor souls from Africa.
You were doing the "it's worse when white people do it" song and dance and you know it.

No need to get defensive about anything. It's not what I said. There isn't even any mention of slavery until you started talking about it.

if its worse when white people do it is it because white people should know better?

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I'm not defensive about anything, I never took part in that stuff, so I have no need to feel guilty about it.
But sure, go on playing coy.
I was accusing user of thinking that, if you ask me it's equally bad when people take slaves, no matter the race of the slaver or the slave.
If we were to claim that white people should know better, that would be tantamount to claiming that white people are inherently better than other people and I seriously don't believe that.
I've met white people from all ends of the bell curve, they don't just sit in the smart end.

You do know that white traders went to Africa and not all white people were slavers though right?

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Actually most of the slavers that went to Africa to buy their slaves from the victorious tribes were mostly European descended Jews(no I'm not one of those people that blame everything on jews, it's just historic fact), but sure that is a flavor of white.
The wast majority of white people from that time weren't slavers, so saying not all is deceiving, because saying most white people weren't slavers is more accurate.


100 years ago you could tell from the facial features what part of the coutry someone came from and from the accent or dialect pinpoint it to a parish or county. There always was a continuous hostility to outsiders and social pressure to stick with its own group and the forced merger of huge parts of countrys and ethnicitys expanded our ingroup somewhat but there will always be an outgroup based on obvious looks or attitudes and traditions. Whites are the only ones to give up on power and share land to our own detriment in the end and there is no end to power politics and segeration on any imaginable differences even if we are all the same color and height.

Then why did you say and I qoute.
>it's worse when white people do it
>well they had slaves and I think it's worse when they do it
You posted it right up there. This is confusing.

I was accusing user of thinking like that.
He was saying that white people did something and alluding to slavery and I pointed out that all peoples have done that and that if you think one group is worse for doing the same thing as other groups, you are low key calling that group supreme.
Also did you miss the " I used around those statements?
Going "air quotes" is usually a way of showing that you are mentioning something you don't necessarily agree with.

I don't know man. I don't feel comfortable talking to black sympathizers. But anyway I gotta go shave my head for the rally this morning.

Take your nigger loving ass to a church and get some help.

Oh, you're winding me up?
Good show user, you had me there for a bit.

>What started the race wars?

the jews. and if that seems farfetched ask yourself why malcolm x was reviled and why he had to die? he wanted blacks and whites to remain separated and culturally distinct, proud and respecting of their own cultures and differences, he wanted black people to go home to africa. this is precisely what black people need, at least certainly the former. even the most staunch white supremacist would want this. blacks and whites don't mix. i would love this, no globohomo, just distinct and proud races, cultures and nations.


Ali was one of his most loyal defenders in his heyday. and here he is speaking eloquently on keeping the races separate and distinct and proud. so turned the blacks against malcolm x? who had him killed? it wasn't the kkk, the white power boogeymen of their day, they would like nothing better than blacks to go home or at least stay in their own neighborhoods.

it was the jews. its always the jews. money is the root of all evil and jews are the root of all money.