Goodnight, possum bro

>This is the possum of good dreams. Type “good night, possum bro” to have a good dream tonight.

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Goodnight, possum bro

Good night, possum bro

good night, possum bro

I just shot one of these last weekend and burned it's corpse in my burn pile.

Good night, possum bro

Goodnight, possum bro


Good night, raccoon bro

Goodnight possum bro

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Goodnight,possum bro!

good night, possum bro

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It’s no sleeping tight

God I want to kill that thing.

It's "opossum", fucking retards.

Goodnight, opossum bro

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G'night, Possum.Bruh

good night, possum bro" =P

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good night, possum bro

Goodnight possum bro

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